On the QT

Saturday, September 15, 2007


One of the first times we went to New York, we were walking back to our hotel just off Times Square. It was late at night and my wife and children were with me. We had been to a Broadway play.

We had the walk light and there were several people walking alongside us. Thirty, fifty, I don't know. But this car full of young male adults, tries to go right through us as we're crossing.

"Oh no you don't," I thought to myself and being closest to the street, the way they used to tell you to walk with a lady, I hit the hood of the car and yelled at the driver to stop.

He did. I guess I was just full of New York and started acting like some of the locals. You're right--stupid.

Fortunately, there was no incident, but later on, and several times since then, I've thought, "I can't believe I did that." And believe, I won't do it again.


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