On the QT

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

You know. We've all been there. Summer skorcher. Lots of people. High dive. And you're off. Twisting and turning. A half, then full gainer. All of a sudden as you're ready to enter the water in a perfect finish, little splash, smooth entry, dive deep. And someone is in your way. Actually two someone's, but you only make contact with one.
Ok, so I've never done that. I've had enough needles in my chest and belly from uncompleted dives off the low board never to attempt the high dive. Not even feet first, my favorite diving position.
But this picture made me think of one last day of Summer. Before the school year started. Before all that routine of Summer that you had practiced for so long came to a sudden halt. Oh, you could adapt to new schedules, new people, new situations, but it wasn't Summer. You were on somebody else's clock.
And you were ready to renew. New friendships, new relationships, new beginnings. That lasted about two weeks, before you thought back to the freedom of Summer. Even on those days and nights of not finding anybody around. You drove and drove looking for something, somebody, but the possibilites were endless. Just around the corner could be Suzanne Somers in her white T-Bird. Or the evil Pharoahs. But anything was better than a wasted Summer night. But were any of them wasted?
Just listening to music. Just reflecting on the past. Remember the dive? The one you never took. Maybe next Summer. Yeah, that's the ticket. Next Summer. It'll be even better.


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