When did they drop the g on orangutang? I know that was not just a little Southern Illinois coming out in me. Everyone called it orangutang, didn't they? Then, of course, it became orangutan. That's simply not right.
What if we just started dropping last consonents of the animal kingdom at random. A goat becomes a goa; a dog a do; a rabbit becomes a rabbi. That's wrong.
Wouldn't it make more sense to drop the first letter? They would still be ranutang, oat, og, and abbit. Or, be creative and select which one letter you want to drop. Orangtang, gat, dg, rabit.
I mean it's not rocket science. And it's not like they just chose to drop a planet or something. They did? There's no more Pluto? What about Plut?
Well, if that's the case, let's take out a number to even things out. I mean I don't want anybody discriminating against math. I propose 6. That way, there's no 666 to worry about. It would also get students through school quicker when they could go directly from grade 5 to grade 7. (Actually in the old days, you could do that; in fact, that's exactly what happened to my mom. Yep, no 6th grade. No misspelling of orangutan that year for her.)
You, loyal reader(s) probably think I'm sill. Sorr; tun i tomorro. Maybe it was the pancakes I had for breakfast.
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