On the QT

Saturday, September 22, 2012


I'd like to know these cross streets.  Now, that's not quite right.  But you see it's been since March that I've blogged, so I'm more than a little rusty.

I'd like to know what the sign says at these cross streets. The picture was selected by me a long time ago and I can't recall.  It may not have been a long time ago at all.  I'll explain.

My wife and I were blessed yesterday with 44 years of married life together.  44.  That, now is a long time.  She posted a picture of us dancing at our 25th.  My hair was brown then.  I don't remember when it wasn't at least a little gray, so there you have it.  Length, long, longevity--they're nebulous to me.

Some of the most obscure events inn my life that happened in grade school, I can recall with clarity.  Not so with some recent happenings.  I search for words and names escape me.  I can usually bring them to mind over the course of a few hours, but not always.

So, I'm not sure what these signs might have held for me.  I could conject and say it was at the corner of  Mitt and Barry.  I would have no problem following the road that Romney may pave for the country.  I'm certain I wouldn't care for another trip  down Obama Way.

There is a street in MTV that our son at age 4 referred to as Mommy Street.  It was Caroline Drive.  But we couldn't figure out where a good friend of his lived when he said "On Mommy Street".

So the possibilities for this intersection are as endless as the galaxy.

Please leave suggestions.  One may just spur my imagination.


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