Caddyshack, American Graffiti, James Bond, The Simpsons, and now Married With Children. When I have control of the remote, which is close to 100% of the time, and by the way, that's the way it's supposed to be--it may be the last bastion, but men should always control the remote, and no, I'm not doing an Al Bundy impression. But I digress. When I control the remote, I have to stop to watch just a little of this tv show.
Al is a tragic hero. And while I may root for him, thinking that Al deserves a break once in awhile, I know somehow the other shoe (pun) will drop and he will be in misery again. Peg, well, she's my least favorite: she's just not too believable. I liked it better when she spent time in Wanker County. (See, I did watch it a lot.) Kelly, well, so much for believability, but at least she was funny. Somehow, the innuendoes seemed to be less harmful for some reason. I didn't care so much for the hoots (pun, again) directed her way from the male dominated audience in the later seasons. Bud, poor Bud. At least Kelly had a guy. Any guy. But all Bud had was the blow up rubber woman doll. Pathos for him.
Chicken Marcie and Jefferson were great. Remember him in The Revenge of the Nerds? Wow, I really need to get an entertainment viewing life. Maybe I do need to lose control of the remote. Maybe I need to elevate my standards for what makes good viewing. More Masterpiece Theatre and Allister Cook stuff. More of The History Channel and National Geographic.
Naugh. Al's classy enough for me. I never knew anyone that scored 4 touchdowns in a football game. I think I'll see if my wife wants to go see Basic Instinct II with me.