Billy Joe Royal. A one-hit wonder as far as I remember. His song--Down in the Boondocks. I first thought about writing about Boondocks and defining the parameters of the boonies. But that hair...
Yep, I had it, too. But then I've had a lot of hair. Literally and different styles. As a young one I greased or had my mom put some kind of men's product (Wildroot? Naugh, I only got that at the barbers) to control my short yet wayward hair. It was a pretty normal Beaver Cleaver style, though I would have preferred Wally's hair at the time.
With Summer time came a flat top. Butch wax in its pink/red jar sat on my dresser when it wasn't starched into my flat top. When school started in the Fall, I'd let my hair grow again to ready myself for the long Winter. My school pictures, taken early in the year, always reveal uncontrollable sprigs of hair that might be described best as the style of 2008.
When high school and The Beatles came, well so did bangs. They served to make me look shorter and hide my zits. Only one of those was good. I never went full mop top though, because for some reason, I still kept my hair parted.
Longer in college, cut shorter for job interviews, grown longer after I secured a job. For awhile I went Bobby Goldsborough or Billy Joel Royal, which started this whole entry. Then I went part down the middle, but combed and blow dried back; hey, no more Butch wax for me.
For a brief respite I got about four perms. "Give me the Bert Convey look," I told a barber/stylist in Fort Lauderdale one Spring Break in 1977 or so. Which I kept until 1978 when my hair started to turn orange.
To my present style--straight back. No part except when it gets too long and wants to separate on its own. My wife likes for me to use some kind of clear oil and leave it mussed, but the Native American in me likes it straight as a stick. The motorcycle look. Well, what I mean is it looks like I've been riding a motorcycle and the wind has been in my face. I almost wore it oiled/mussed to church yesterday, but combed it out at the last minute. Anything to do with the current bed head style is not for me.
I'm thinking about a return to the Billy Joe style pictured. I don't need bangs to cover zits, but They'd hide the deep wrinkles in my forehead. All that extra hair would hide my scalp from UV rays. I don't live in the Boondocks, but I'm close.
Naugh. My barber would never go for it. He was hawking some new hair color for sale that dyed only the dark and left the gray, which seems to make no sense to me. But I ask him if I was a candidate for that. Nope. He said over 50 % of my hair is gray so it wouldn't work on me.
No color, no bangs, no flat top, no oil, no perms, no parts. I'm stuck in the boondocks of male hair.