A former student, a former JAVA editor of mine, a new FaceBook friend shared a picture of a diaper cake present for her newborn daughter. Since our youngest granddaughter is going through the potty trained stage, I thought I'd share the picture. Of course, she's proud of herself when she goes on the big potty and as a result, gives herself a pat on her back.
As cool as the diaper cake is, there are some other kinds of cakes that come to mind that might also be useful and longer lasting than the traditional high calorie cakes that taste so good. Wedding cake is probably my favorite, while red velvet is the choice of CQ.
But what about a tool cake? All people except the real pros need tools. Sometimes that's the difference in saving or costing money. I can't calculate the number of items that I have broken because just a little elbow grease is all I need philosophy. But had I the right socket set, the right vise grip, the Allen screwdriver, then I could have saved a call to the fix-it guy. If I had a fix-up shop, I'd have to call it TQ's Muck Up Shop. Unless I had a tool cake.
While I'm at at, what about a rag cake? Lots of shirts and shorts have I turned into rags because of dirt, grime, grease, and oil. Had someone made me a cake of various and sundry type rags, then I could have saved myself and my wardrobe.
What about a light bulb cake? Does anyone ever have enough light bulbs? I don't care if they're florescent, old incandescent, or the squiggly new ones. Various sizes? Oh yeah. Flood lights, dome lights, Malibu lights, heck throw in some GSi's and some fuses, some circuit breakers. Build that cake.
Finally, a pen cake. From Bics to Monte Blancs. Different colors, different sizes, different styles, different thicknesses. Just different. Especially appreciated would be those that never dry up. Even highlighters and Sharpies. Throw in a few lead pencils and pens, but have an ample number of extra lead.
The kinds of cakes are only limited by your imagination. They can be food items, too. A jello cake, for instance with all kinds of different flavored gelatins in boxes. Challenge yourself. Create a cake. Maybe a toast cake. Ok, that wouldn't work. But someone had to come up with the diaper cake that at first didn't seem feasible.