Which reminded me again. Not of rain and what it's like. Not how badly we need every drop. Not even the rain that is wasted because we have no gutters or reservoirs to trap and encase the water.
What it got me thinking about was Joe Arapio, our sheriff and the Stupid Motorist Law. Sheriff Joe is the nation's most famous law enforcer. We do have relatively low crime. Except for car thefts. For some reason, Phoenicians can't keep their hands off others' autos. But Joe, recently re-elected, does a fabulous job. He's as serious against crime as anybody, although some don't like his methods of rounding up illegal aliens and making his prisoners wear pink underwear.
But that doesn't have a lot to do with the rain. Our Stupid Motorist Law does. Since we have no guttering, we have washes, pronounced warshes by some. These areas are gulleys that hold the rain until it soaks into the ground or evaporates. Some washes are rather large and deep, catching rain runoff from hills and mountains.
And some people try to drive their cars through such quasi-or pseudo-lakes. That's where the law comes into play. If you get stuck in a wash, you're fined $100, which is about $85 less than a speeding ticket in our berg. You're forever branded by having Stupid Motorist on your record.
No more rain than we receive last night, I doubt any driver could be ticketed. But when they do, I laugh.