I still have to have a few drinks of water every night. When I was a wee one and that song was new, I thought the sandman brought drinks rather than dreams. I had no trouble dreaming, but I wanted a drink in the middle of the night. Only after I got into high school did I sleep like the proverbial log and needed no water at night.
Less than five years ago, my wife and daughter accompanied me or the other way around on a trip to Switzerland and Austria and some other European locales. A long train ride from Innsbruck to Zurich cut a path through the Alps which I suppose were beautiful. I probably slept 3 of the 3 1/2 hours. I didn't want to sleep but the motion rocks me like a baby.
"So which one moves at home; the television or the couch?" our daughter quipped when I related the story. While I missed a huge chunk of scenery, what I caught was deep green forests, with an occasional waterfowl and beautiful glacier-green streams running just ahead of us on the train.
I had gone back to one of the sleeper cars since there wasn't a lot of other sleepyheads, but on threat of having to pay for the extra room, I returned. I didn't bother me. I can sleep sitting up just about as easy as a full recline. But it angered the porter on the train. He probably thought I was silly for missing out. I thought he was a little misoneistic, but in Europe change comes slowly. And to miss even a bit of their culture was unforgivable.
I'd write some more about Lake Zurich and the cultural differences, but I'm, ok you guessed it, I'm getting a little sleepy. I've gone to sleep at the computer before. But I'm not going to today. I'll find a better place; one I won't have to pay extra for either.