Saturday, March 03, 2007
Thursday, March 01, 2007
Tuesday, February 27, 2007
Sunday, February 25, 2007
At least that's what Tiger Jack Traver taught me in junior college. What a great teacher. Sometimes you never knew where he was coming from, but he always got you to think a little bit anyway(s).
But I'm not too sure he would have thought all those signs somehow stuck together just outside the Tourism Bureau in MTV would meet any qualifications. Creative, yes; junk, perhaps; art--nope.
When I was an undergrad at SIU, I asked several friends if they'd take fencing with me. None accepted the challenge and I didn't have the nerve to take it on my own. Same with an art class. I'd love to enroll, but I need a sidekick. Some things I just don't do on my own. So while my interest in fencing has waned, I'd still like to take an art class, just to see if there's any latent talent hidden there. I doubt it, but all I need is a bud to help me tackle art.