Why were there only protests when Bush was President? While reductions in forces have occurred in Iraq, Obama just requested several thousand more troops be sent to Afghanistan. I haven't heard or seen any calls of Facism. There's been no objections that I've heard.
Why is it when anyone disagrees with an Obama policy he is a racist? Can racists only be White?
Just at what point did the US decide we needed Czars? Are you serious.? Why not go all the way and give them the title Tsar? I just don't understand how a president who tries to distance himself from the Socialist tag can call the overseers czars. It baffles.
And when the payments cannot be made on those foreign cars Americans purchased under the Cash for Clunkers stimulus program, are the taxpayers going to bail them out?
Finally, I need an economist to tell me when the high inflation starts. I have a feeling it will. We may look back at Jimmy Carter's malaise era of 18 % inflation and long for its return. It's happened elsewhere.
Even in Socialist countries.