From those who know, I'm told the best way to spot a dye job is to see if the hair is all the same color. Not like this gal pictured, though, I think, when it comes to women's hair it may be a different story. Somewhat.
What I mean is their hair texture makes it easier for today's dyes to work and look more natural. Men's hair somehow, for some reason doesn't do as well.
The streaks you see in our hair, my hair is natural frosting. Or frothing. In fact my froth outweighs my dark brown color by 2-1 these days. Salt and pepper? No, more like sea salt and specks.
But you'd think with all the baby boomer money out there just burning holes in deep pockets that someone could invent a hair dye for men that covers those patches or whole crops.
I once taught with a guy who was 24 years old and completely gray. He said his hair turned that color after a tour in Viet Nam. So here was this very young looking guy with completely gray hair. A definite disconnect. It reminded me of my freshman health teacher, Coach Benny Purcell. A young guy with a blond flat top. I thought he was an old guy with a military haircut.
The guy I taught with didn't mind his grayness. He said it helped with his classroom discipline. Coach Purcell didn't need any help. Whether it was blond or gray, no one messed with him. Not even my 6'7" buddy Gary Jones who never even took one dribble after grabbing a rebound. He just looked around for a guard to throw the ball to. Or be at the mercy of Coach Purcell.

From those who know, I'm told the best way to spot a dye job is to see if the hair is all the same color. Not like this gal pictured, though, I think, when it comes to women's hair it may be a different story. Somewhat.
What I mean is their hair texture makes it easier for today's dyes to work and look more natural. Men's hair somehow, for some reason doesn't do as well.
The streaks you see in our hair, my hair is natural frosting. Or frothing. In fact my froth outweighs my dark brown color by 2-1 these days. Salt and pepper? No, more like sea salt and specks.
But you'd think with all the baby boomer money out there just burning holes in deep pockets that someone could invent a hair dye for men that covers those patches or whole crops.
I once taught with a guy who was 24 years old and completely gray. He said his hair turned that color after a tour in Viet Nam. So here was this very young looking guy with completely gray hair. A definite disconnect. It reminded me of my freshman health teacher, Coach Benny Purcell. A young guy with a blond flat top. I thought he was an old guy with a military haircut.
The guy I taught with didn't mind his grayness. He said it helped with his classroom discipline. Coach Purcell didn't need any help. Whether it was blond or gray, no one messed with him. Not even my 6'7" buddy Gary Jones who never even took one dribble after grabbing a rebound. He just looked around for a guard to throw the ball to. Or be at the mercy of Coach Purcell.