Saturday, June 21, 2008

Friday, June 20, 2008

Thursday, June 19, 2008

If you've ever looked closely at my posts, you'll notice that most of the are entered quite early. That's because I'm a lousy sleeper. And equally lousy late night stayer up-per. In fact, late night to me is anything past 10:00.
But recently I've suffered from yet another pain. Yet another root canal awaits. And sleep has been deprived of me the last two mornings. Four AM comes too soon. This root canal will be my third. Our son had his second last week. A golf buddy's awaiting his next week. Monday's set for me. If I can make it that long.
So I don't know what the heck is it about them. That is, why so many people are having those little nerves go crazy, but for me, I can't even drink coffee now. It lights me up. I walk around with a piece of bread in my mouth separating my upper teeth from my lowers. Otherwise, they seem to radiate off each other causing the goofy little nerve to act goofy.
The only good thing I can associate with root canal problems is that when I have one I usually get a hole-in-one. No pun intended. But yesterday I starteed looking for one when I got all fired up again. It didn't happen, but I was extremely close to an even rarer double eagle, but my ball ran past the cup.
But the good news is that a good friend of mine, a member of the famed foursome in MTV got one yesterday. On the same hole I got one on in 2001. So maybe I'm passing the good fortune.
I'm happy for Mike. Even at my expense. But I hope that's the last one for both of us.
Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Monday, June 16, 2008