Yep, it's Larry Thomas. You don't know him? Look closely.
The Soup Nazi from Seinfeld. And he's hawking soup ladles on e-bay. For 4-days you can bid on a customized autographed soup ladle signed by Larry.
Why that was one of my all time favorite episodes I'm not sure. Maybe he reminded me of too many people I have had the misfortune of coming in contact with. My first boss at Burger Chef, a grade school teacher, a high school teacher, several college profs, just to name a few. But they weren't funny then or now. Most bullies aren't.
But in the sitcom, the situation is what was humorous. Hey, that's what a sitcom is supposed to be about. And it worked for me in this episode.
If it worked for you, too, and you just can't live without this item for your kitchen, then get on-line and bid 'em if you got 'em. Personalized ladles begin at $20.00.