On the QT

Saturday, October 03, 2009

When I looked at the mail about a month ago, I had a Janet Leigh moment. Notification of Jury Duty. Oh, no!
Since I have a son and daughter-in-law who are both attorneys, trial attorneys at that, I guess I had some guilt. But like the draft I avoided for half a decade back in 1967, I suppressed that feeling. I let the inconvenience factor take over. I let the "druther not " control me.
I mean I fretted, fussed, filled my days with angst. How was I going to get out of jury duty?
In all honesty, I think I'd make a lousy juror. Even though my two loved ones are defense attorneys and I appreciate their efforts, I think I'd vote for conviction. See what I mean about being an impartial juror? I just think our judicial system is too lenient. Case in point: Roman Polanski. I know, you thought I was going to cite OJ. Ok, cases in point.
Fair minded? Probably not on my part. And that's what mean. Oh, I know I could be swayed by a good presentation of facts. But you know what? I won't have to worry, for when I called to see when and where, I was released from Jury Duty.
Celebration time, come on! If it had only been that easy in the draft years.

Friday, October 02, 2009


And how there are no sports teams that sport that color. Well, maybe The Lingerie Bowl. But what about the red/purple combo?

I can't think of any at all. They look pretty good to me in the fascia picture above. So I guess I don't get it.

But I also don't understand why the St. Louis Rams changed their great blue and yellow to dark blue and gold. Now they look like Notre Dame and the San Diego Padres along with a cadre (Padre made me think of that word) of other sports teams. I still sport (pun) an old, and I mean at least 12 year old blue and yellow Rams tee shirt type jersey that I wear to the Rams games. It aways draws comments from at least a few.
I also happen to like the new. The Oregon Ducks have the wildest unis around, and believe it or not, I like them. Yellow and green, the are wild, new age, complete with the Nike swoosh emblazoned prominently on them. Actually, I like the yellow and green of the Packers and A's, too.
Now some of the worst colors are donned by Virginia Tech. I'd have to go to a multi-colored pack of Crayons to explain or properly identify their team colors. I'll try without any visual aids. Blood purple and sunrise. That sounds better than they look. Plus, their team name is the Hokies. I guess that describes their colors.
Although I'm fond of the MTV Rams orange and black, there's nothing to compare to the Cardinal red complimented by the birds on the bat. Now that's a uniform. That red needs no purple.

Thursday, October 01, 2009

There's something out of sync with that statement. One of our Sunday School class members (or Adult Bible Fellowship as some like to call it) made that statement to one of our teachers awhile back. On occasion I hear that remark from my wife when I yearn for the days of old.
And as much as I rave about the tomatoes we used to grow in our little garden, they can't compare to today's heirloom tomatoes. Now when and where they originated, I don't know. Maybe five years ago we discovered them out West. They're pricey, but worth every cent to a connoisseur of the luscious fruit. I know they're not vegetables, but I don't know why.
So when I get nostalgic, when I embrace the safety of the past, even when I recall with salivated mouth the beefsteaks we grew, always ready on July 22, I must remember how optimistic I am about the present and future. Plus, I don't even have to wait till July to get them. The little ones are available practically all year round.
If you haven't tried them, you must. Don't be fooled by their appearance. You won't be disappointed. Just remember to take your charge card.

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

But green. That's the way we like it in AZ. So for the next few weeks, allergy sufferers, well suffer.
A little agronomy lesson from the West. Most of our Spring and Summer grass covering lawns and fairways are Bermuda. Bermuda thrives in the heat. When Winter comes, Bermuda dies out leaving an indiscriminate shade of yellow/brown. Not attractive to the eyes.
The solution is to scalp down the Bermuda and then plant rye grass which thrives in cooler temps. This process is repeated every Fall. There's no need to scalp the rye in the Spring since it will die out or be choked out by the Bermuda. Now why rye seed cannot be thrown on top of the existing Bermuda and let the same process work in the Fall, I really don't know. But those who do know, know, and as Vonnegut said, "So".
While it's hard enough to find golf courses open now (it's called The Overseed Season), it also difficult to be outside with all the allergens in the air. Even our early morning walk was cut short by the scalping and blowing of dust.
So what's a guy to do? Just when the temperatures go down, the dust comes up. Then when the golf courses are nice and Winter green, I can't afford to play anymore.

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

I commented yesterday after looking for and finding about 10 wild horses near the interstate by where we live, "I wish I had grown up around horses." You see I love them.
But I'm not much in the saddle. All that jarring--all that spreading out of my legs, well if Billy Crystal was a city slicker, I guess I'm the city slickest.
According to an equestrian I know, there are as many as 150 wild horses on the reservation near us. I carefully glance, or search for them as I make my interstate drive by them. I'm rarely disappointed. Buckskins are my favorites, but to me they are all beautiful. I just am uncomfortable on them, so I'm reduce to spectating.
It might be as well. I might just be like the Native American in the picture asleep at the wheel. All that movement would be sure to rock me into slumber.

Monday, September 28, 2009

And that's how it works. She made me an anniversary card that stated "The best place to be, even for a traveler like me/ is wherever you are". Now is that sweet or not?
But that's the way we are. And, yes, I am so blessed. I did go shopping with her Friday afternoon. During our morning sojourn she asked what I wanted to do that day. My reply: "Play golf."
We went shopping. We didn't buy, but shopped. What was worse was what I put her through that night. We went to a ballgame to watch the last place D-Backs get shut out by the second-to-last place Padres and a pitcher by the name of Kevin Correa. But that's what we do.
Adam's Rib, a great Tracy/Hepburn flick, but then weren't they all(?) addresses the how-to-get along motif. It does take its title from the Holy Bible, the best how-to-get along book ever.
When God created Eve, He did so from Adam's rib. Note the choice of the Creator. The rib area is near the heart. He didn't take the bone from the back of the foot for man to be dominant. Nor did He take it from his forehead, so woman could dominate. He took it from the only place a Perfect Creator could take it--the midsecton. Or if you prefer, the side. As in side by side.
And that's simply the best way to get along. "Through all kinds of weather," as the old song goes.

Sunday, September 27, 2009

My St. Louis Cardinals did it again! Seven out of the last 10 years, they have advanced to the playoffs. Winning 2 pennants and one World Series title. Let the celebration begin.
Fortunately I have the MLB channel which televised a great baseball game. The Rockies under their new manager are fighting for their playoff wild card lives. The stadium was sold out. It was intense baseball. Baseball at its best. Cliche yes, but it was a shame there had to be a loser in that game. It was much like the Arizona State/Georgia football game airing on another sports channel I have, ESPN-U.
I was flipping channels so much that I missed LaRue's game deciding home run. But I did catch ASU's true freshman linebacker Burkit leap over the Bulldog O-Line and tackle the ball carrier for a loss on a short and pivotal third and one. It was also an intense game. Won by Georgia on a last second field goal after they had blocked a Sun Devil FG attempt only a few minutes earlier.
Games like those two are what make me a fan. In fact, I suppose some would say a fanatic. I have to go get ready for church now.
And after I get home, the Cardinals are on TBS, the football Cardinals are on Sunday Night Football, the Rams are on no where which means I'll be surfing for updates and our Flying Chaucers are in a dogfight for our Rotisserie League Baseball Championship. Also my fantasy football team is playing a big game today--go Drew Brees, so you see I have a busy Sunday.
I think there's a Monday Night Football Game, too. I'll have to rest up for that one.