When I looked at the mail about a month ago, I had a Janet Leigh moment. Notification of Jury Duty. Oh, no!
Since I have a son and daughter-in-law who are both attorneys, trial attorneys at that, I guess I had some guilt. But like the draft I avoided for half a decade back in 1967, I suppressed that feeling. I let the inconvenience factor take over. I let the "druther not " control me.
I mean I fretted, fussed, filled my days with angst. How was I going to get out of jury duty?
In all honesty, I think I'd make a lousy juror. Even though my two loved ones are defense attorneys and I appreciate their efforts, I think I'd vote for conviction. See what I mean about being an impartial juror? I just think our judicial system is too lenient. Case in point: Roman Polanski. I know, you thought I was going to cite OJ. Ok, cases in point.
Fair minded? Probably not on my part. And that's what mean. Oh, I know I could be swayed by a good presentation of facts. But you know what? I won't have to worry, for when I called to see when and where, I was released from Jury Duty.
Celebration time, come on! If it had only been that easy in the draft years.