from the city lights. Even small town illumination. Even streetlights, front porch lights, lights coming from neighboring windows.
No car lights beaming down the street. Not even a flashlight. Hopefully no fireflies (don't you like that better than lightning bugs? The only nomenclature I like better was when our young son would want to go out and catch lighty bops).
No fireworks, no nothing to cast even a faint glow. It must be a clear night, too. The kinds we have in 'Zona. The moon can be bright, that's ok, but that is absolutely all incandation.
Now take some time. Take four minutes. That might seem like a long time. And look at the stars. Identify if you can. If you are no better than I perhaps you can find the north star, the big and little dippers. But it doesn't matter that much. There will be no test.
Well, that's not right. There will be the biggest test of all. It's about faith.
If you can look up to the stars as they are and think that through no master designer, through no omnipotent God who placed them there. If you think the matter that was created (how does one do that exactly?) came from some primordial soup in the form of a big bang. If the precision in the stars alone doesn't convince you that Creationism is a fact, then I certainly will never be able to convince you.
Go ahead, try it. Even if you are 100% opposed to my notion. Try it some night. You just might change your mind.