Saturday, September 13, 2008

Friday, September 12, 2008

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Tuesday, September 09, 2008

Monday, September 08, 2008

Sunday, September 07, 2008

I don't get it, but I saw a poster with those words on it the other day. I'm amazed at all the Halloween merchandise in the stores all ready. I'm wondering just at what point that the interest in Halloween exceeds the interest in Christmas in our land.
It far exceeds Thanksgiving. Not a good sign in my opinion. Yes, celebrating the harvest and its bounty is superior to any Fall festival celebration. Or should be.
Don't get me wrong either. I really like Halloween. Plus, I love the costume of the guy in the Wheaties box. The season that accompanies Halloween is perfect. The blended colors the Fall brings. The nip in the air. The casting of weird shadows by a sun all tuckered from Summer.
The trick-or-treat part of being a kid brings back a storehouse of memories for me. What was I going to be this year? What kind of costume, before the day of buy-on-the-rack, would my mom and I garner up? Could I really be a hobo again with a handkerchief tied on the back of a whipping stick to carry my loot. Ok, it had to be a sturdier stick that the willow or maple switch. Oh, yes, I was from that era when disobedience was answered with a switch. At least in our family, in our neighborhood, in our town.
But we held Halloween in its proper perspective back then, too. It was a fun time to pull a prank or two, fill our bellies with too many sweets, and have a last hurrah at outdoor weather. All too soon, the winds and ice and rain and snow would take over. And, thankfully, the switch supply would not dry up, but freeze up.