Saturday, February 21, 2009

Friday, February 20, 2009

Oh, I'd have one. If I were forty years younger. If I lived near a beach.
I wouldn't have to surf or take lessons. I wouldn't bother with a wet suit. But I'd have a board.
Just to carry. Just to park on the beach by my towel. Just to look the part.
Movie makers have long been convinced that actors and actresses (yes, I'm old school: I still distinguish) look good smoking cigarettes. It gives them something to do with their hands. It allows reflective pauses. It provides an opportunity to contemplate.
To me, that's what a surfboard does. It provides an opportunity. To look cool. To look risky. Athletic. Brave. Daring.
Oh, once in awhile you'd have to take it into the ocean. But somehow that perfect wave would never come. So back to the beach with your wet board, wet swim trunks, wet hair. And you'd just wait.
Hey, if nobody would come along, you'd still be cool. You'd leave the beach carrying your board. People would see you. And think you were The Duke himself.
Thursday, February 19, 2009

Wednesday, February 18, 2009
Ok. Here it is. I'm going to suggest every car in America be allowed one megaphone/bull horn. For a one time use. That's it.
You are allowed a one time mega-yell at a driver near you.

So what's it gonna be? What are you going to say? Stumped? How about one of these?
At the end of the column, I'll tell you how I'm using mine. You know, just in case I use it against you.
"Go! What are you waiting for?"
"It's not gonna get any greener."
"Nobody's that stupid."
"That's it: change lanes. You're the only one on the road."
"What's up with that?"
"Use your turn signals, fool. It's not that hard."
I could go on ad infinitum. My megaphone would be used on the last one. It drives me crazy to see someone not use their turn signals. Also, if you're on a cell and you don't use your signals; watch out. I'm blasting you. Plus, if you're on your cell and you signal, I still won't let you cut in front of me. Signal with no cell, you're home free. I'll even hold up a line of traffic to let you go in front.
Man, I feel better now. If only could get that megaphone option passed in the legislature.
Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Monday, February 16, 2009
Sunday, February 15, 2009