President Bush and I flew into Sky Harbor Airport Tuesday night. I was coming in from California as was the Prez. I was probably in a better mood since the Cardinals had defeated the Padres in the first game of the Division Championship Series.

The President had been stumping for some Republican candidates in California. I don't know who had a bigger audience against them. Me in my Pujols #5 shirt or W. also in enemy territory. At least I could bring home a win. I'm afraid G.W. won't be as fortunate in November.
You see, a lot of people, especially Californians don't like him.
They don't seem to like Mr. Pujols either. Maybe because they're both good guys. Californians seem to have this hang up about being on the wrong coast. Despite the Hollywood scene, the West Coast seems to get ignored a lot. So maybe they think they can't like what is right.
Our President is right. About a lot of stuff. He doesn't get good press, but then neither does Pujols. At least there are no protesters against Albert, though I did see a sign on tv from Houston wondering "Who Jols?"
I'm surprised they could forget the home run that kept the 'Stros from clinching last season in Houston. But that's the way of the world today. They have a short memory and poor eyesight.