For most of us with any age upon us, there can be no single picture. High School or College grad pictures would work only for someone in their thirties at most. A wedding picture, while nice, would probably not be a defining picture either.
Yet when I clicked on this picture of Jack, from the 1980 movie The Shining, I knew that this was it for him. I clicked on the next picture and got a ton of head shots from Scarlett Johanson or Jacobsen or Jacobius, I don't know, I can't even get a defining name for her, but there were none even close. There was a full red carpet shot of her that was pretty or rather unflattering--a right boob pushing up over the top of her gown, and a left one sagging down, but hey, all that does is define she's human. And just think some of the shots they could get of us if they followed us around 24/7.
But Jack has a variety of looks, yet none so epitomizing (I may have just coined one) as that look.
I have no idea of the one photo of me that would capture who I am. Maybe my first grade picture with skinned nose from a fall on our front steps. Or my third grade picture where I was smiled proudly showing a huge gap where four front teeth were out. Maybe a family shot, but my full family transcends three or four generations, so that's not possible.
If I had to select one, it would be my coming out of the Jordan River in my baptismal gown. Yep, I think that would be the one. Kind of an antithesis of Jack.