On the QT

Friday, May 29, 2009

Another Saturday night. But he didn't live to see it.
I know so little about him. We shared the same seat in junior high social studies. Different hours of course. But one time Good Old Mr. Roy called me by his name. I was puzzled; I didn't think we resembled each other. But I'm sure glad he didn't confuse us on the day he picked up David.
It seems my seat sharer irritated Mr. Roy so bad that he just picked up the seat with David in it and brought it up to his eyes, looked David square in the eye and told him to shut up. I must add that Mr. Roy never ever demonstrated any anger in other class I had him for, including Poly Sci in junior college.
But what else was David known for? Nothing. He was a veteran having served in Viet Nam. He never married. He never left his hometown. As far as I know he lived, grew up, grew old (sorta) and died in the same house.
I wonder what he did with his life. And all those Saturday nights. And was Mr. Roy to blame? As my youngest grandson would say, "Who could know?"

You see, school let out today. At least for our grandkids. Report cards have been handed out. Sixth, third, and first graders, now. With a pre-pre-pre-schooler still at home.
So what do they do now? The boys are already playing baseball. When it doesn't rain, which is as rare as a good movie in their parts of Mid-America.
One boy and one girl are going to be taking an acting class or acting camp. While three may attend basketball camps. VBS, of course, will be attended, and for the older two a trip with the grandparents for a week in July.
But I hope they have time. To, you know, play cloud games. To linger. To choke out the last bit of summer fun. Have a family reunion to go to. They do. While those may be by design intended for the old, they're to be moaned about by the young. Until the volleyball game begins. Or a cousin brings a cute friend along.
To sit under a tree and read. To listen to a baseball game on the radio. I don't care if it's even Syrius. To go to some games. They will. To sleep until noon. They won't. To have friends spend the night and then stay up ridiculously late, then be crabby all the next day because of lack to sleep. They will.
To earn some money on their own. To help a neighbor, not for money. To waste a day completely. They will. To get organized and clean their rooms. There are lots of treasures that have been lost in the shuffle.
There's so much more to do in the Summer. And they better get it done. Now. Before some school board or some superior determines that school should be held year round. Oh, no. Don't let them do that. Start making signs, now.

Thursday, May 28, 2009


Sudden can mean so much to one in love.

If not a full rush, a sudden elevation of heart rate,

Blood pressure rising when seeing the 1.

A sudden urge to see a rose colored world

When even thoughts are directed towards the 1.

And it doesn't matter if the world's not right.

Or if you get yelled at by others,

Mal-treated by some or many

Because all of a sudden, you've found the 1.

And you don't have to explain,

You don't have to play games,

You don't even have to do anything,

Because number 1 is your number 1.

Then all of a sudden...

Wednesday, May 27, 2009


I read our former city newspaper on line daily. There's not too much. Just enough info to keep me interested.

Along the right side of the computer page is the top stories of the day. Usually about a city council meeting where they continue to raise taxes. Or the RLCD board where they raise water rates. Maybe a story about the high school. Maybe a story about something going on in the area grade schools.

I saw where a student from our granddaughter's school had won a city wide writing contest. Being home alone, I spoke out loud hoping it was our granddaughter. I clicked on the article.

It was! In competition with over 100 students from the other grade schools, she had won the contest about not using drugs and alcohol. They printed her picture with her teacher and even printed her complete essay. I didn't even know she had entered.

She won a $50 savings bond (cash it in, Hon, before the bank goes under) and some other prizes.

It was an honor for her. Plus, it made her old grandpappy happy. That doesn't usually happen when I read the paper these days. Except when the Cardinals, Rams, SIU, ASU,or the U of I win.

Tuesday, May 26, 2009


Remember the commercial where peanut butter met chocolate? The result: Reese's Peanut Butter Cups. Now that's what Pez and Peeps need to do.

I love the Pez dispensers and the idea of how to package them. Who likes sticky hands? Add cool characters and you have a marketing genius plan.

But the taste. It's like some kind of medicine. As I think of it, it does taste remarkably similar to chew up baby aspirins. They're even the same color. Hey, that's a marketing rip off.

Now if they could solidify the Peeps and duplicate that taste, well then we're back to marketing genius. I would have to enter some fat clinic rehab if they ever do.

But I'm willing to for a Pezeep or two.

Monday, May 25, 2009


It's been a few days now. But the tv season is over. Reduced now to ballgames. Friday Night Lights was first to call it a season. 24 ended on an incomplete note. Heroes is over, yet Heroes is never over. The Amazing Race ended predictably, and although I liked the winners, I still think they held a much too much advantage when one segment was held in China. I know, it wasn't their fault or choice. And they were two of my favorites, but it reminded me of The American Idol when Katy Perry appeared on the show wearing a cape espousing Adam Lambert. The Idol with its not that all surprising ending to me is also over.

So why was I not shocked when winner Kris and the rest of the world was? While I liked Adam, and no doubt His Mad World is terrific. The single best performance in Idol history. So consistent, so talented, he should have been the Idol. But I didn't think American voters were ready for him.

His hair was cut for the final week, but it was still too much. Too Goth for most. The black painted fingernails, the rumors about his sexuality--all were just not mainstream enough.

As personable and professional as he seemed, he was too extreme. The epitome of Mid-America and Midwest values was Kris Allen who improved the most of any contestant. Third place finisher Danny Gokey had similar appeal and when he was voted off, his supporters probably voted for Kris.

And talk about a pro. Never once did he argue or question what a judge said about his singing. Never did he show any negative emotion. Never did he alter his style or demeanor. He was just plain cool.

What will Tyra and Coach do in their new roles in different settings? Will Kim's stem cell save Jack and did Renae lose her cool? Where will The Amazing Race 15 go? Will the world ever be a safe place and will Sylar behave? And will next season's Idol have such a classy winner?

I guess I can wait till Fall.