for the second time this year. It'll probably be the last time. Yeah, sure.
It does curtail activity though. Yesterday, for instance, our foursome teed off at 7:00 AM, and all four of us had a twenty minute drive to get there. We finished in the accustomed 4 hours, then it was pool time. After that I walked three miles and had muscle cramps while sitting in front of the tv.
But that was yesterday. No golf today. The walk was much earlier though still hot and sticky. Well as sticky as 16% humidity can be, but last week we had 2% humidity which was as low as humidity can get. At least that's what the meteorologist Dave told us. He, by the way, has been appointed to announce The Second Coming on the 21st. At least he has that kind of presence.
So more pool time along with a purchase from a tree nursery called Moon Valley. A Mexican bird of paradise, hey appropriate for next week's Rapture, though I'd pictured Heaven rather than Mexico. A store run to stock up, and then inside stuff like blogging.
I'm kinda lost since my Bible Study Fellowship class is over for the Summer. What a study the book of Isaiah was. I just finished 9 years of BSF and this may have been the best of all. Called the Fifth Gospel, it's an OT book that I knew was important (I mean what Book of the Holy Bible isn't) but one I needed help for understanding (I mean what Book of the Holy Bible isn't one I need help for better understanding). But if I'm not in a formal Bible study (our Small Group is also on hiatus for the Summer) then I'm not in the Word like I should be. It's called self discipline.
So that was my day on May 14, 2011. Every time I write the year, it seems so space age, so in the future. Where did the 1900's go? They seemed a more comfortable time. The early to mid-1900's would have found Arizona windows open, as in the picture, sheets wetted down for the long, hot Summer.
Next week, Dave is calling for temps in the 90's--a welcome relief. Already.