Saturday, February 10, 2007

Friday, February 09, 2007

How do we do it? Let women get into our heads? Occupy our thoughts? Play on our emotions? Exert their control over us? Make us think differently?
What is it about them that causes us to act the way we do? Is it their guile, wiles, or ways? Is it their charm, their beauty, their mannerisms?
Enough questions. Now for the answers. And it's all pretty obvious. Upon close inspection, I mean. Seriously. I'm really surprised I or someone of greater intellect hasn't told us all before.
I was getting ready to reveal it all right here in this blog, but I just remembered--Valentine's Day is just around the corner. I have to get a card and a gift and flowers and candy and make dinner reservations and maybe even compose a poem.
Oh, I don't have time to tell you. But I know.
Thursday, February 08, 2007

It seems that everytime I turn on the tv, another Dimocrat is ranting and raving about our President. Is it 2008 already? JKerry even got in the act by saying he wasn't running. This, of course, after his joke about our soldiers backfired. But he didn't stop there--he said something about the US was a pariah to the world. To top it off, he was not on US soil. In the old days that act was unconscionable, but he was just taking a page from BClinton who demonstrated (pun intended) his dislike for US policy while a Rhoades scholar in England.
And I see Hilar(it)y says she wouldn't have voted to send troops to Iraq had she known what she knows now. Someone--anyone inform her that when she becomes Lady Prez that she won't have the luxury of hindsight either.
I thought our current President gave a great speech on the State of the Union. Of course the union is strong thanks to his leadership. Are you kidding me? In this day and age and no acts of terror against our country? It's more than just happenstance: it's good leadership and a merciful God in heaven.
I wanted him to say in addition: the unemployment rate is 4.1 %. That's almost unheard of. I think statistics show that 4% of the people aren't looking for a job and don't want one. The stock market is at 12,500. The highest in history! Philanthropic giving is also at an all-time high. Is it still about the economy? Well, if it is, then it's all good.
Certainly Iraq is bad. And it may be bad for a long time. But there was no hindsight. There was an evil dictator and regime responsible for more than 200,000 deaths. Yet, we should have done nothing? And now it's like Viet Nam and time to cut and run?
I've known many in Viet Nam and in Iraq. I've prayed lots for both. But there is one huge difference. The soldiers in Iraq are volunteers: not so many, many of those in Viet Nam. I didn't hear many in Viet Nam say we should be there. I've heard many, many returning US soldiers from Iraq say that we should be there.
No, I don't think I have all the answers. I don't even know the right questions to ask. But I don't like what I'm hearing from the party not in the White House. Ask me again in a few years when that 20/20 hindsight kicks in.
Wednesday, February 07, 2007

At first glance, I saw a witch. I know it's a short broom, thick as well, but that's what I saw. And I'm sticking with it. Of course, it's all about a gull with the moon at its wing. Or is it the setting sun?
If it's the sun, I've never noticed it so black. If it were that black, then the sun would be obscured as well. And if it's the moon, then why have I never seen the moon set over the water?
It must, mustn't it? I've seen both sun and moon together many, many times. Now, I'm really thinking hard. Isn't it crazy how some seemingly easy grade school stuff can seem complex sometimes? Does the moon set? It would have to for it to be seen on the other side of the world.
But why are there no pictures? Why no comments about a beautiful moonset this morning? In fact, why was the moon, full and bright, so high in the Arizona sky this morning at 5:00 when I went outside to fetch the morning paper?
There's a principle here somewhere that I'm missing. Maybe it's the one about two orbital paths. But I still can't quite fathom how the moon can be seen in two hemispheres unless its positioning is longitudinally. Ok, I'm going back to the original picture of the witch. That's a lot easier to explain. Or for me to comprehend.
Tuesday, February 06, 2007

Monday, February 05, 2007

Sunday, February 04, 2007