Yogi called it fork and told us to take it. Frost called it a road, a pathway. I think the choices in life are more of a stairway leading upwards.
Where does it begin? Certainly with the family, which we're told we can't choose. But we still have lots of options. We can follow, we can rebel, or like most, we can do a little of both. Forks or roads are there for our choosing.
Friends? Well, it gets a little trickier here. For like a stairway, there are steps going up and down. Plus, we all know how we've started up the stairs, stopped suddenly and went back down them. That's the tricky part. Although I was of a generation that experimented or used drugs recreationally, as they liked to call it, and there was plenty of availability, only three times in my life was I asked if I wanted to smoke some marijuana. And two of those times were by some high school students of mine in the early 70's. Thankfully I declined all three times. Again, we can follow, rebel, or a little of both.
And maybe that's why I prefer the staircase instead of the fork or road. The stairway can, and does lead down, too.