I remember Creature Feature. A show that started at 10:30 PM and featured, well creatures in their fright night movies. There was a big appeal back then about shows scaring the socks off you. That, of course, was before the national and even local news reported really scary stuff. Complete with blood and guts that weren't like The Blob or Creature from the Black Lagoon.
But why do creatures have to be ogres? What kind of creature could be beautiful and really scary at the same time? And why couldn't she come out of the water? All we had was the itsy bitsy teeny weenie bikini girl and no one thought of her as a creature.
I guess what I'm intimating is why do creatures take on such a negative connotation? The third definition in Random House Webster's College Edition states...a human being--[ex]a lovely creature. Yet the word is rarely used in that light.
We are to fear creatures. In fact, with the exception of mermaids, I can think of nothing else attractive in legend or lore about a creature. The word itself seems to stem from creation. God made nothing bad in His creation. Not even a lagoon. So go figure.
If I made a movie, my creature would be helpful and kind. A superhero who could leap tall buildings... darn! Too late again. But instead of coming from a planet, he'd come out of the murky swamp and when he shed the algae, he'd be aglow.