Everybody needs one. I like hers in the photo. Though it might be just a little hard to sit there for long. Once in a Caribbean island, I think it was Virgo Gorda I sat, and later lay on a huge rock for about 30 minutes because it was more comfortable than the lumpy sand. But what a beautiful setting.
I don't know that I did much thinking. I'm like that. I can decompress by emptying my limited mind. Usually the denouement is a nap. But I awaken refreshed and ready to tackle the world again as we know it.
As far as a place to go to think, I guess I don't have one. Church might be close. But I just emote there mostly. I don't mean that in a bad way. I just am comfortable, peaceful there. Most times I think of God's majesty and rest on His promises. I've always felt good in church, even when there's no music or sermon. Well, sometimes sermons and music have been too long for me. And meetings are still meetings even if they are held at church. But with those few exceptions, it's always a think kinda place for me.
Maybe that's what Pooh did, too. Not at church. I don't know that any of Milne's characters ever went to church. But thinking places--maybe that's their purpose. To empty, to brush away cobwebs, to think not deep thoughts or solutions, but to get re-energized by deletion.