Saturday, December 20, 2008

Friday, December 19, 2008

This is Dayna Mendoza. She has nothing to do with the Mendoza Line which is a batting average of .200. When a hitter falls into the .100's, he's really in trouble. This Medoza is Miss Universe 2008. I don't know where she's from. Probably Brazil. They all seem to be from there. I was in Brazil once for 10 days. I didn't see any Miss Uni candidates.
But you know what? This entry is about a little grammar lesson and has nothing to with Dayna or baseball. But had I started it on the up and up, just think how you would have passed up this blog.
It's about bad and badly and the preferred usage. It's so simple to distinguish. And after this lesson, you will notice it everywhere. Maybe it will cause you to grit your teeth like me when I hear, "I feel so badly about what happened."
No they don't; they feel bad. "I feel so bad about what happened." You see quite simply feel can be an action verb which would take an adverb (bad-ly), but in that case, someone who has trouble feeling. That is, nerve endings in their fingertips wouldn't allow them to feel. On the other hand (no pun), if you feel bad, you're talking about your feelings, not how you feel.
So it's always, 100% of the time "I feel bad." Unless you have that feely/touchy problem. Don't let me catch you saying it the wrong way. Plus, feel free to pass this little lesson on. Tomorrow I explain who and whom. It's a little tougher, but never again will you have to wonder which to use. But if you still do after the next lesson, hey, don't feel badly. UGGGGGHHH.
Thursday, December 18, 2008

It doesn't take one to know that you don't name a kid Adolf Hitler Campbell. Or to try and sell a senate seat when you know you're being taped. Or to think that burning Christmas lights leads to global warming. All 3 were in the news last week proving once again that mankind is in entropy.
It's bad enough that insurance and finance companies get government bailouts, but American automakers GM and Chrysler are sticking their paws out, too. At least Ford,who moved 9 million jobs overseas because they couldn't make money here is soluble. The odd thing is so is Toyota who moved a bunch of their plants to the US. I don't remember textiles, railroads, or oil companies getting government help when they were folding their tents.
And Caroline Kennedy wants H Clinton's senate seat. Why not? She has as much experience as Hillary when Mrs. Clinton is telling the country she would be ready on Day 1 when Barry O would not be. Because he has no experience. So, let me see if I have this right, because remember, I'm not an Einstein. Blagojevitch wants to sell Barry's senate seat. Caroline wants to fill Hillary's seat. Barry O wants change. Blago wants a chunk of change. Caroline wants what Caroline wants, and she wants that senate seat now. Well, it's all a little laughable.
But you won't read it anywhere else because the media's too concerned about an Iraqi or Egyptian idiot who gave the old soft shoe(s) to President Bush. And as well as he handled it, "a size 10, I think it was," the incident seemed to please rather than incite most Americans.
I'm telling you it's a mad, mad, mad, mad world. A world that I'm afraid would stump even Albert.
Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Monday, December 15, 2008
That's what I told the shrink I went to. I'm tired of having these dreams. The ones where I wake up and I've dreamed I was a teepee. Then the next night I dream I'm a wigwam. It goes back and forth, I told him.
His reply, "Don't worry; you're not a teepee or a wigwam. You're just two tents."
I don't know why, but our son loves that joke. But, hey maybe it helps him with his tension or is it tent-shun?
Stress is serious. I'm not sure the ad for stress relief would work very well. But we do all need that relief. Some find it in physical activity, some in sudoku or crosswords,(use a space and supply pun here), some in a good book. Many lean on the Lord for stress reduction. Without a doubt, that's the best, the only remedy that really works. That really lasts.
But I would imagine the most spiritual who know that they have no control anyway, continue to forget on occasion and try to rely on themselves. I know I do. Then I ask God to bless my plans. Arrogant? Foolish? Repetitious? The answer is not two tents or too tense, but three. And I do it repeatedly.
I'm glad I serve a merciful, forgiving God.

Sunday, December 14, 2008