I'm afraid I'm nearly in that category. Not the pagan worship beginnings, if there's any credence to that nonsense. Not the gothic. Not the slasher movies of the movies by the same name. None of that at all.
But the shadows. The long ballooning spider webs. The corn shocks. The pumpkins. The carvings especially. The black cats. The hayrides, the festivals, the celebrating of the season.
And the stories of Halloween past. The trick-or-treating hauls. The popcorn balls, apple cider, and candy apples. Candy corn, too.
The chill of first Winter hint. The fresh burning of leaves. When outdoor games turn to football. Especially spectator high school, college, or pro. The tailgating. Friends mingling around a camp fire. Cold noses of girlfriends. Seeing your breath.
Boris Karloff and "The Monster Mash". Lon Chaney. Vincent Price and his terrible distortion of E. A. Poe's stuff ( which is really pretty boring when read on its own, but a Basil Rathbone oral reading makes it much scarier).
Making pumpkins for your grade school windows. The older students painting downtown store windows. The Halloween parades. Frost on the fields, wiener and marshmallow roasts, hot tubs.
Is there any wonder why I love the holiday? Did I fail to mention sweater weather? Paraphrasing Emily from "Our Town", "Oh, Earth, you're just too wonderful for us at Halloween."