I'm so tired of politicos. Especially the one we have in office now. You know, the

guy in the White House who is half Black/half White. Like many, he says he's Black. Which is fine with me. I could care less what color he is. That's not what I object to about our commander in chief.
But my latest beef with him is not playing basketball for publicity. Ike had golf, Reagan chopped firewood, but they seemed to do it without publicity. Without playing a saxophone on SNL, like The Slick One, without playing basketball with LeBron and Russ.
My gripe today is Obama's full support of a mosque being built very close to Ground Zero. When I first heard the idea months ago, I thought it was black humor. The kind I don't care for. When I heard it was serious, I was appalled. And when I read in the morning paper that Obama was for it, well, was a crock. What a crock.
What a lack of respect. I mean there are already a lot of mosques in the city. One more, there, a mockery.
Keep it up, Barack. I like you as a one-termer. Actually, that's only half true.