On the QT

Friday, February 18, 2011

I like that. Echoes of Silence. It's almost Zen-like. Not that I like Zen. But it does offer the question "what is the sound of one hand clapping?" That's food for thought.

Speaking of Zen and food for thought. A high school friend of our son's, now working in the ministry in Philadelphia is named Brad Zinn. I find that name tied to the occupation ironic. Zinn, which sounds close to sin, serving as a pastor.

Almost like Major Major, an Army Major whose last name was Major in "Catch-22". Or as a neighbor once asked, "Who's Colleen calling?" I don't know' it's that kind of day.

I've had a heckuva lot of those lately. I'm blaming it on an October hailstorm. The damage inflicted broken tile roofs or is it rooves like hoof and hooves? To the extent that months later, probably 250 of the 253 homes got completely new ones (you know, roofs or rooves). The noise, the traffic, the dust, the clutter --all are getting to me.

It reminds me of grade school when we'd have our eyes tested annually. The doctor was pretty lame. He'd put a chart on the blackboard and have you write down what you saw. All the class at once. Then he wouldn't even look at what you'd said you had seen. Instead he gave each of us a small piece of paper that said in very small print, "This little kid cain't see. Him need glasses."

If you could read it, of course, you threw it away. If you couldn't, you couldn't and so you failed the yearly test and were off to see a real doctor when you took the note home to your parents. Yeah, that's the kind of school I attended.

Echoes of silence...I like that. I need that. Along with a lot of other things.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011


Not really. I don't know where this picture was taken or if it is legit or not. But I like to think so.

Just like I like to think...
the undeserving will get what they deserve in this life so I can see it;
the deserving get a break or two in this life so I can see it;
that we all are affected by God's grace to humanity who is so utterly unworthy to receive it;
there are some athletes in some sport who love the game so much and love the team/city/fans so much that he would never consider turning down over $200 million dollars for an eight-year contract to remain a St. Louis Cardinal;
that Kurt Warner could be cloned. And cloned. And cloned;
that for the rest of the country Spring would arrive soon. For us in AZ that Winter would last and last and last;
that Rob on Survivor wouldn't.............last long;
that my neighbor would realize that a hawk soaring in our 'hood is not a bald eagle;
that everyone could experience a good meal, a good night's sleep, and good memory of good times, not picking at or dwelling on the past and embracing the expectations of others;
that I had spent more time working late hours and laboring over essays making detailed comments that my students would find helpful--yes. I lied big time on the last one.

and that all have happy trails

Tuesday, February 15, 2011


came right about the same time as The Beatles. Of course, they were part of the Brit Invasion that brought several groups to the US and tapped the pop scene for the rest of the Decade of the '60's. One of their songs was "Bits and Pieces," and when I planned this entry, I thought of that title and that song. If I sing it for the rest of the day, well, hey That's ok...keep telling yourself.

One bit came from a long time student/friend as she posted it on FB this morning. Thanks SueLyn. It comes from Rumi, whoever that is. What I dislike about not knowing, is I probably should, but don't. "At night I open the window and ask the moon to come and press its face against mine. Breathe into me... Close the language door and open the love window. The moon won't use the door, only the window." I really like that imagery.

The other came from another longtime student/friend as she posted it on FaceBook this morning. Thanks, Kecia."If you see your enemy hungry, go buy his lunch; if he's thirsty, take him a drink. Your generosity will surprise him with goodness and God will look after you. Fight your battles with love. Love has within it a redemptive power that eventually transforms people."

I reacted or responded to the latter because it reminded me of a student I'll call Sondra. In my 30 years of teaching 1,000's of students, she along with maybe 9 others I simply couldn't stand. Everything she did, put me on the defensive. I had a hard time grading an essay she'd written without my personal feelings being represented in the grade I gave.

Until I had her for another class. I knew I couldn't go through another semester with that venom towards her. So I started to act as if I liked her. I convinced myself that she was pretty cool. It made a huge difference. I actually could tolerate her and I kinda did enjoy her.

Whether it was the power of persuasion or the softening of my heart by God, I don't know. But it sure made that semester with Sondra easier than the first.

She's not my FaceBook friend like SueLyn and Kecia, but hey, neither is Dave Clark.

Monday, February 14, 2011


A celebration of a Day of Valentines is today. Whether you bought or received today. Whether you were empty this year. Whether you were rejected or accepted, ignored or bored this V-Day, we can all remember Valentine's Day with some happiness.

Even if it was just making Valentines in class at school. Or decorating a paper bag to receive the Valentines from your classmates. If your memory doesn't serve, then think of the candy. Maybe next to Halloween, possibly Easter, Valentine's Day is a day of candy, preferably chocolate.

Stuffed animals, too. At least for girls. I don't know anymore, though. Maybe guys get them now, too. I was surprised that 10 years ago, high school guys received flowers from their girls at MTV High. A white carnation was for friend, a pink, for wanting to get to know you better, and the red, of course, for love. I wonder if they still make Beanie Babies? Those used to be pretty big.

A Valentine's Dance was huge in the day as well. From grade school through college. There was a Valentine's Day Massacre, too. And that might be fitting as well.
Get out and about today and watch for a chubby guy with bow and arrow. You may want to duck and then again, you may desire the pain. Happy VDay 2011

Sunday, February 13, 2011

horse would I eat a 'nanny this speckled. I prefer them sorta green but not crisp. Not rigid to the bite. Yet certainly not mushy as these two look.
But what I'm discussing today is what makes me go bananas. A few things anyway.
One is clothes hangers. I know, it's illogical, but I hate hangers. They come in too many sizes, they leave little bumps on my shirts, they get tangled with other kinds/sizes of hangers. Sometimes my pants slide right off them.
No description--they speak (poorly) for themselves. I should add that I've never met another who had such antipathy for hangers.
Drivers who don't use turn signals. Only on the rarest of times,will anyone catch me not using mine. It's so ingrained in me that I want to use them when the road curves, just to help the ones I'm meeting or the ones behind me whom I don't want to meet. When I see a driver not using them, I'll usually say (for the umpeeth time) "Oh, I see he has one of those new cars they sell without turn signals." I know it's weak, but that, too makes me go bananas.
My third and final is the MTV High gymnasium. Changnon Gymnasium is the oldest gym in the state of IL where boys basketball is being played. It's a typical Hoosiers old fashioned band box or snakepit. Where spectators sitting in the first row have their feet in bounds. Where there's still a three-foot restraining line. And where there is terrific atmosphere on a Friday or Saturday night. But my gripe is, no one seems to appreciate. No one wants to promote it's great history. Where 3 Illinois State championship teams played. Where as recently as 1999, a home town team ranked 2nd in the nation played their home games.
All that is heard is MTV needs a new high school (agreed) and a new gym (I don't know about that one). Well, I agree, for PE classes, I'd understand and go along with it, but for the practices and games, keep Changnon and all its history. The funny thing is, those that want to blow up the old gym would be the first to want to save Wrigley and Fenway.
That's my bananas for today. If you want to rankle me some, just bring up the ideas that the best bananas are the ripest, hangers are a great invention, who needs turn signals, and build a new gym for MTV bball. Them's fightin' words as they still say in SoIL.