Saturday, July 28, 2007

Friday, July 27, 2007

was the punchline of a joke I heard about a returning soldier from Iraq. He was asked by Chelsea Clinton whom he feared now that he was back on American soil, and that was his answer. So what brings this to mind? And how did I connect that with the picture of the smirking guy reading a newspaper?
At the St. Louis airport on Wednesday, I spotted my first Obama tee shirt. I suspect I had the same smirk that the pictured man had. It stated in big letters Obama for a Change. Right, I thought. But certainly all change is not good.
If you thought,"Oh, he just doesn't like him because he's black." Wrong. Well, partially wrong. If you stopped at the 6th word, you'd be right. But I really like J. C. Watts, Lynn Swan, Condy Rice, Colin Powell, and Alan Keyes--all black, and all with much more experience that Barak Obama. Now, if giving speeches is all that a US President had to do, I might understand the attraction. Yet he still might be at the bottom of the list I provided, but he's still good at that. He turns a phrase as well as any. But what does he say? What has he done? What are his proposals? When you look closely, I think you'll see--there's not much substance there. I can't say,"Where's the beef," because he has plenty of beefs. Just no viable solutions. He tears down. He's not a uniter. Just the sort that the media love. Advertisers, too. Voters, I hope not.
My tee shirt might read Obama--Not hardly (sic). Or if I use Jessie Jackson syntax Obama--Not Now, Now Ever, Never.
Thursday, July 26, 2007

I've heard that expression forever. This picture illustrates what can happen if you allow it.
So where do you hear it? Churches, ballgames, schools, airplanes, cell phones, golf courses, restaurants, dorms, shopping, or whenever two or more females are gathered? I know, the answer is all those places plus more. Certainly I could add men to the last on the list, as well.
Also, the list is endless. How about meetings, family get togethers, car rides, parties, or dates? We could prioritize them by most annoying. Maybe certain people come to mind in certain places. For instance, if you mention neighbors talking, a picture of my former neighbor on two streets (we both moved) is at the forefront. I'd mention people who repeatedly tell the same story to the same people (remember the day Wanda Wood got a hole in one here?) but that hits way too close to home.
So I'll end by saying that sometimes silence is quite golden. Other times, it is not welcomed. But that doesn't mean it's time to talk.
Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Monday, July 23, 2007

If you know me at all, you know I love a good lobster, a good steak, a good baked potato and garlic. If you know me better than most, you know that two foods I dearly cherish are Ranier cherries and tomatoes.
I've blogged before about beafsteak home grown Southern Illinois tomatoes. I've stated that I'd select a baloney sandwich on fresh bread and a tomato rather than a steak I cook out--the best, or the ones at The Grill at the TPC or Desert Canyon. The latter two being the second best steaks around.
But Ranier cherries are to die for. Actually, these pictured are not big enough for Raniers nor or they yellow enough. That's right, the perfect Ranier has some yellow to it. I wait all year for them. They're only available in our area about the last week of June. Then they go for $8.00 a pound. Now, that I'm getting my fill of them, they're about $2.99 a pound. Well, I never get my fill, but by the end of July after having them available everyday, even I sometimes pass them up.
Cherries, tomatoes, the Cardinals--I guess I'm attracted to red.