Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Tuesday, November 09, 2010

Monday, November 08, 2010
Sunday, November 07, 2010

I never understood a piece in that sense. Fur puzzles me, though. I mean the PETA people and other Animal Rights Orgs that get violent over someone wearing fur.
The same ones who object to fur wearers have no problem with leather. Many wear leather products themselves, but throw blood at those adorned in fur.
The vegans, too, I don't understand, but that's just because I love meat so much. I also don't understand those who don't like lemon pie, but they don't have much of a following; not even enough to have a name or abbreviation for themselves.
I suppose I do have more respect for those who won't eat anything with a face. Maybe because I'm a little like that. I won't eat any part of a face, though I'm really not against tongue. And I have eaten brains, though it's been a long time. Head cheese? Not that I know of. I do like cheekburgers. Oh yeah, that's cheeseburgers.
Maybe I'm a little perverse about all this is I grew into young adulthood in the polyester generation. A friend of mine used to joke, "Think of how many polyesters died to make that sport coat." So I guess they were little guys, like polliwogs.
Anyhow, since I dislike the cold so much, I'd say if you think fur makes you warmer than leather, then go for it (I was tempted to write "go fur it," but with the cheekburger comment already penned or typed, I thought better.) In fact for the sake of warmth, wear leather and fur. But you don't have to show the face as the Native American is.