My goodness, what a creature. Cursed by God to crawl on their bellies their whole life because of their part in Eden, snakes have long been associated with adjectives such as yuck and gross. Sometimes associated with chills up the spine, shrugs of eek, and total revulsion.
Now add another head, and add venom. Now you have a monster little though he/they may be. Tandemly working, I suppose one could expectorate venom while the other head could inflict the bite. I don't know if they're that smart, but they must be if they are anything like the one in the garden who got Eve and then Adam to taste the fruit from the Forbidden Tree. And, all by just a little lie, a little indiscretion, a little evil suggestion.
I've shared with long time readers most of my snake stories. I've spent most of my time with snakes in our Illinois home where I would encounter them while mowing. The last I remember was sleeping, coiled up and when I spotted him I threw my push mower over him. It was just my first reaction. Generally, if they weren't close to the house I didn't disturb or harm them. But none were dangerous either.
Had I come across the snake of duplicity pictured and I knew what I know about him, you can bet I would have thrown a mower over him or tried to kill him some way. Shovels worked for me best. Along with my riding mower. Though when I'd run over one, there was no telling where all the parts might land. Blood from one once spewed up from under the mowing deck onto my shirt. The rest of him was slung a long way from the Gravely. Irony. Grave(ly) for the snake.
I sincerely hope my good fortune holds about not seeing a rattlesnake out West. I don't even own a mower or a shovel anymore.