On the QT

Saturday, June 02, 2007


I marvel at those who wear their hair more than one way. Ok, mostly they're girls or Sanjaya, but I've known guys that could change their hairstyles. My speck of Native American blood is perhaps the reason my straight hair is well, straight.

Now sprinkled with more than flecks of gray (or grey). I think I prefer grey; it doesn't reek of age. No patches, thank heavens, yet, but they will come. Also, I wondering at what point I should call the Arizona Dept. of Motor Vehicles to report that my hair is grey rather than brown. It's coming.

But even all grey or partial balding, if it comes, but I doubt it, should still lay straight. Technically it should be lie, but as hair lays is an idiom. So lay it will be.

So straight no part will hold, so thick no part will divide, so indiscriminate, so blase, my hair exists. But it is stubborn in its strength.

Friday, June 01, 2007

Backs are more easily broken out West. After two back surgeries for a herniated disk, my wife has resumed normal activities. I have not.
I find myself in the office of a chiropractor who "can't stop loving me". Well, he'll have to because I have two days off before I see him again on Monday. Oh yeah, to clarify--his name is Ray Charles.
And he's good. At least I'm making improvements in the sciatica that has taken control of my lower left leg. L5, S1 is the problematic area. And after a few pain pills, advil, exercise, and golf when I desired didn't alleviate the problem, I sought out a chiropractor who had helped a friend of mine, who contracted the same ailment at the same time. He's over his thank goodness.
After following Dr. Charles' plan, no golf and lengthy heat/ice treatments, along with 30 minutes a day on the table where I get pressured, decomposed, ultra-sounded, and pushed, I'm breathing better and feeling less pain.
But if I were the doctor, I would never take away golf. And in Arizona, I'd advise a fanny pack or two filled with ice, strapped to the desired area and a 11:00 AM tee time. That way I'd get heat and ice at the same time. Just strap me in.

Thursday, May 31, 2007

The wind blew down the golden rice sun
As in spatulaed it away.
There was little care taken,
And if the yoke of sun had run
into a marbled sky,
Its streaks like blood poisoning on an arm or leg
Would have been an epitaph
To a perfect day.

Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Don't get me wrong, or as my pastor Rob Wagner says, "Don't hear what I'm not saying,"
but Mighty Mouse was a great cartoon character. Second to Mickey? I'd say a tie. That's not to denigrate the Number 1 rodent in history; it's just that I really like the Mighty one, too.
I mean what other mouse ever fought a bigger animal? And if only Mickey could fly! And it really wasn't that often that Mick ever saved anybody. It was a daily act for the Mighty guy. As a young boy, that superhero was an attraction even before there was that word. In our day a hero was enough, and that's what the caped mouse was. "Here I Come to Save the Day," was his theme song. Plus, he was always true to his word. You can tell just by looking that he could take the more celebrated mouse in a skirmish.
I saw where this glass is selling for more than $150 on e-bay. I must have had one, though most of drinking glasses as a kid came from Welchs grape jelly. But if I could still find that glass, I part with it in a second for less than the going rate.

Tuesday, May 29, 2007


In MTV in the day, there were two movie theatres. There were two drive-ins as well, but most of the time 5th-8th graders frequented either the Granada on North 9th or the Stadium on South 9th.

Movies were cheap back then; I think fifty-cents for 12 and under and maybe a buck for 13 and up. There were always those precocious kids who would have to take their parents to the window at the ticket booth to vouch for them. Marty Puckett was one I remember.

There were double features almost always except for long movies like Gone With the Wind. The first time I ever saw it with a group of 7th graders--I remember Jane Firebaugh was one--MTV had had its own big storm when we left the theatre.

Wednesday matinees in the Summer offered a season pass for one dollar. The venue was old movies like Ma and Pa Kettle and Francis the Talking Mule. Lots of Little Leaguers would go before their 5:30 game. On those Wednesdays, play was often hampered by boys whose stomachs were sloshing from too many sodas. Lemon/Lime was my favorite.

I might add some salt to the popcorn, I learned that from Jimmy Wood, or have a dill pickle. Mostly Nestle Crunches for me with an occasional purchase of Dots or Juju Beans or Bonomos White Taffy. All pleasing to my dentist.

The show was the thing back then. I think most adults chose to stay away on Saturday afternoons, for that time really was the childrens' hours.

Monday, May 28, 2007


In yesterday's blog I wrote about my avoidance of military service during Viet Nam. It doesn't mean I've ever disrespected our soldiers. I've always had the utmost respect for them. Unlike Bill Clinton and war veteran John Kerry, I never protested although there were certainly lots of opportunities on the SIU campus just after the Kent State killings.

And I don't know that I've ever been a silent majority. Maybe more of a silent minority. I know I pray for our country's leadership and the direction I see us heading. I know we have been blessed by God, not because we help all nations as a Palenstinian pastor once told me in Bethlehem, but because we support Israel and God's own chosen people.

I know that on Memorial Day 1974, I was a new father who was learning the ropes. As a grandfather of 3 (so far), in 2007 I know I still have much to learn on this Memorial or Decoration Day as it used to be called.

But I know today I shall pause and give thanks for all our soldiers, past, present, and future. And despite current skepticism and criticism by Those Who Don't Know, the US is still the best country in the world. May we turn to God and allow Him to shower us with His blessings.