According to James Boswell, "When a man tires of London, he tires of life." Notice the good grad school stylistic device "according to"? Also notice I quoted Boswell, if not one of the greats, at least he was one of the goods? Even if the rest of the entry is terrible, I've shown I have a sense of style and acknowledge an almost great, along with giving him credit for the quote.
Now, having said all that or quoting a not-so-great, our 37th President, "let me make this perfectly clear," I'll now continue with this entry and my thought for the day. London is not all that appealing to me. Paris neither. I prefer Rome and Prague. But my favorite place is Jerusalem.
Oh, I like lots of places and I've been extremely blessed to be able to travel extensively. From Bar Harbor to Sydney; from Cape Town to Rio; from Hong Kong to Auckland, but there's no place like Jerusalem.
I mean how could there be? I guess I should expand it to the Sea of Galilee, Caperneaum, Nazareth, The Dead Sea, etc., but Jerusalem is the city to get excited about.
I've only been once, in 2006, but I'd love to go again. A tour is best, because no matter how much Bible knowledge you have, you just cannot grasp the history, the significance, without a well schooled scholar. One who knows book, chapter, and verse. One who can tell you whether you might just be walking where Jesus walked. And if you're not excited about that, then you might agree with Boswell or some other philosopher besides me.