On the QT

Thursday, September 22, 2011


This first day of the autumnal equinox used to be one of the saddest days of the year for me.  I mean it.  Summer, the season I lived for, is over and far away from returning.

But no more.  My Summer has transformed into my Winters of old.  Stay inside or when you go outside, just be ready. Don't tarry.  And return to a safe haven.

Fall used to be a pretty good season in SoIL.  Some beauty, some pumpkins, some football, a great time for golf.  But daylight was disappearing.  It was getting too cold for just a sweatshirt and I had to put on long pants.  Plus, I knew what was coming.

Winter and darkness.  Cold and colder.  Never get warm even standing over a big heat register in the middle of my grandmother's small house.  Colds, interminable.  Snow and ice and slush and sleet.  The sun at weird, blinding angles.

Reverse.  Summer is over, hooray.  Fewer 100 plus degree days.  Not having to arise at 4:30 to get my 3-mile walk in before the heat.  Being able to wear a light (stress light) jacket or sleeveless sweater.  Of course, still with shorts though I will be forced to trade flip flops for tennies and socks.  Great golf weather although higher prices will force a cutback in the number of rounds per week.

No daylight savings time for us, so I'm more in schedule with our son and daughter--only 1 hour difference now.

And, yes, I'm looking forward to Winter, too.  Along with Spring.  But not Summer.  It's gone as far away in my likes as a junior high girlfriend. 

Wednesday, September 21, 2011


Short entry today.  I mean who waves in a group picture? 

He is so unaware of so much.  If I could take the liberty (and why not--it's my blog) to quote Ronald Reagan out of context.  "He's not ignorant.  He just seems to think things that simply aren't so."  President Reagan really said that; it just wasn't about Obama, but very well could be.

Two others and then I'm done.  Remember when he said he had campaigned in 57 states?  And his mispronunciation of Marine Corps at a military function.  At least twice, maybe three times he pronounced Corps as, you guessed it: corpse.

When comes such another?

Tuesday, September 20, 2011


Nothing new today.  If you're a faithful reader(s), you might as well spend your time reading another blog or playing CityVille on Facebook.  At least that's what I do when I'm not quite ready to face the day.

I went out at 4:30 AM to retrieve the morning paper.  I looked to the sky and the semi-full moon above.  A star-filled night allowed me to find the few planets and constellations I know.  It's good that some things stay the same for an old guy like me.

How'd I get this old?  I mean I was from the generation that was never going to get old.  When Tevya sang "I don't remember growing older/ when did they?"  I hear him.  And I concur.

Almost laughable what Mr. Obama's response is to the huge debt that he added and added and added and added  to.  "It's about math."  Damn right it is.  And was before you took the country deeper and deeper in debt to redistribute wealth in a socialist scheme.  Now, the rich will pay ( as if they haven't been carrying that burden) in addition to providing the jobs that Mr. Obama can't create.  You know: the ones that aren't quite shovel ready.  As well as contributing to non-profit organizations through tax shelters--I won't call them loopholes.  Yet he wants to close those carefully crafted devices and call them Bush's tax breaks for the wealthy.  Even though they have been in place for decades.

Let's review, class.  Who's in a fog?  Those that look to the skies and think they were created without a maker.  I once heard, that the chances of the creation of the earth without God as the designer would be like a tornado going through a junk yard and producing a Porsch.

Aging is a process.  We don't see it immediately, but maybe we ignore the signs along the way.  A self-induced fog.

Mr.Obama.  Well, I pray his fog will lift.  If not, I pray the fog the voters were in when they elected him will.  To paraphrase a candidate, "Can the United States stand 4 more years of Barack Obama?"
I think not.