is based on our past. Not the past. Or we would all have the same views, the same opinions.
But who or what shapes our past?
There's the aha! moment. There's that teachable moment. When they come is a mystery. Why did something one day soak in when on the day before it was foreign, forgotten, or rejected?
Why do we accept the ideas of one person and not the other? What determines what we gravitate to? What determines what we shun?
If you haven't figured it out yet, I have only questions. Not a single answer.
Furthermore, I'm completely puzzled how two people who were raised in different communities, shared only a few acquaintances growing up, had diverse interests and backgrounds can be so similar in ideologies, can see the same things, can be so agreeable, as my wife and I. It's more than spooky; it's scary.
And it's not that it just got that way after years of marriage. It's been that way almost from Day One.
Neither of us tries to conform to the other's beliefs. They are simply shared. And I can't figure it out.
But it makes filling out surveys easier. We don't have to talk as much. We don't have to ask the other what one wants for supper because it'll be the same. We concur on movies, almost all tv shows, etc.,etc., etc.
No wonder I love her. She's my clone. Only she's a whole lot better looking.