I refer to flip flops as sandals, beach shoes, anything that doesn't require socks, and I know that's as wrong as when I wear some ankle white golf socks with my sandals in early morning or after sundown hours. Our granddaughter who is aware of those things told me I wasn't too fashionable.
She and others would also cringe at least somewhat with my use of sundown instead of sunset. I rarely do. For you see, I love the word sunset and I love sunsets themselves. But when the sun goes down, our house cools off. Unless in July through September. No sunset cools then.
And that's why the differentiation. Sundown means just that. That cold is going to set in. Technically I guess I could call it sunset-in. But now I'm splitting hairs that only a true linguist or word lover would want to read about.
So back to the nomenclature of flip flops. I never wear them. The strap between my big toe and my index (?) toe doesn't like them. Our daughter told me I just have to build up tolerance, maybe even to the point of a blister healed callous. No thanks. Open toes for my comfort.
So if you ever note my favorite clothes, I usually refer to tank top, shorts, and flip flops for the warm months. Long sleeve tee shirt, shorts, golf socks and tennis shoes for the coldest of the cold months. And you'll know I have not been entirely forthright with you. Because I simply do not do flip flop s. But because of this topic, I'll have Jimmy Buffet stuck in my head the rest of the morning.