From the wild ones to wild hair to wild child. But wild style made me think about the 70's and now. I also thought about what kind of poster I might want to display if I were going to college. It's all this high school reunion stuff.
Also, the Arizona Republic (one of the best daily newspapers in the land) had an article yesterday about style, focusing on clothing styles for the 50's. Age, not decade.
Anyway(s) that was the genesis for this blog. As I return to my first observation--styles of the 70's and now.
When we were wearing the goofy platform shoes, shirts with pictures splashed on them front/back/sides, we just knew that in a few years we were going to laugh at them. At least a few of the more astute stylers.
Same with now. When we look back at the bed head hairstyles, the baseball cap worn backwards, or tilted sideways on our noggins, which used to indicate a person who indeed was goofy, the cell phones stuck to our ear while muttering "where you at?"--well, you can see where this is going.
Styling was the term that used to mean that someone looked cool or hip or copesetic or dolled up or got your Sunday-go-to-meeting clothes on. Now style and fashion are no longer the same.