It's focus. But that's not really the right terminology either. Focus to me conjures up an effort. A concerted one at that.
When you're with The One, it's just the opposite--totally effortless. At ease. Yet that may not be right either. It's not at ease like kicking off your shoes or putting on you jammies. It's not at all like the military, "At ease!" Plus, it's not without effort. For effortlessly might indicate no commitment, almost indifference.
So, I'll try again. From the '60's, The Mindbenders penned the lyric, "The world could shatter, I don't care," preceded by "when I'm in your arms". Maybe we're getting somewhere now. Oblivious to one's surroundings. That's the ticket. The big planet (is Saturn still a planet?) could be hovering, the world could be shattering, and The Ones might not notice.
And it's not a pre-occupation. It's an occupation unlike a job. It's an occupation that is mandatory, obligatory, necessary.
So you see, the old song lyric"Love makes the world go 'round," is wrong. Love makes the world stop. At least for awhile. Or for a lifetime.
So why am I expressing a theme of love today? Well, it's William Shakespeare's birthday, he of 154 love sonnets along with a play or two on the topic. I'm sure he would understand, even though in his will, he left his wife "my second best bed".