On the QT

Saturday, July 14, 2007


In a recent Sports Illustrated article, 4 sports stars were asked that question. My son responded in his blog that Allysa Milano was his.

Of course it got me thinking. I'd have to say it was Annette Funicello. Maybe Tuesday Weld from The Dobie Gillis Show. Possibly Stella Stevens from a Jerry Lewis movie. Or even the actress who played Mary Ellen Rogers in Leave it to Beaver. She was Wally's girlfriend.

Then I thought about who might be some of the females that more recent generations might select. There are certainly a lot of beautiful young women today who are celebrities. There's no use to start naming or I'd miss several.

But with the advent of more information available, more interviews, more articles in magazines to read and find out about them, maybe the fewer celebrity crushes. And that's certainly not a bad thing.

For instance, some of the movies Sarah Michelle Geller has made would eliminate her from my list if I were pre-teen or teenage. I would never be attracted to some young woman using the language she does. Plus, the interviews they give reveal too much about them. Jessica Biel, perhaps another candidate to another generation sounded absolutely goofy responding to a question about diversity. And I haven't even gotten to political or religious leanings.

There was a poem written by a junior college student, Royce Shoemaker, that explains better what I'm trying to get across. It went something like this--I don't want to know you/For when I do, your faults will be obvious to me/I'd just as soon not be able to recognize them/Then you become like me.. Something along that line.

Maybe it's best if we don't know too much about Annette, Stella, Tuesday. Maybe it was better that I didn't even know Mary Ellen's real name.

Friday, July 13, 2007

That's where we were for July 4 plus 3 more days. What a place! Crowded? Yessir. People well behaved? Right again.
The only rude one we even heard about was a ten-year old boy who passed up three other sinks to wash his hands at the sink where our 6 year-old was cleaning up. According to our son, his son looked at the kid and uttered, "Go."
The other people were like us. Just there to have a good time. Body surfing, boogey boarding, sand castle building, walking the beach, laughing and playing and resting and eating and drinking.
I wonder how many days in a row our grandkids would like to go to the beach? I know after 4 days, they weren't tired of it. Also, they had come from Disneyland where they had stayed at the resort for two days. What a vacation! We took the two older ones back to AZ with us. No beach, just sand traps.
A production of The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe and the movie Ratatouille with more swimming and diving occupied their time. We had a great time spending time with all our family members. Thanks, loved ones for the get-together. When can we do it again?

Thursday, July 12, 2007


As the second half of the MLB season commences, veteran scribes and prognosticators have begun their annual re-hash of the first half and predictions for the second half. A foolish AZ Republic pundit predicted a Cubs World Series championship this season. Oh well, as friend Coach Mike says, "When the Cubs have a little success, it just makes their fall sweeter."

But I'm not here to predict or give 1/2 season awards. The fan voting in the All Star game did that, rewarding the first baseman formerly known as Prince (he's definitely not Fielder because of his girth) over the NL MVP for the last 6 seasons Prince Albert Pujols. But that's ok; his own manager didn't have the brain cells to play him in the game anyway(s).

So what's the topic? Cliches in sports journalism. Oh by no means do I have room for all of them, but how about a few sprinkles? Just to get you in the mood for the second half.

he has issues right now

but we don't want to throw him under the bus

we're trying to set up an environment for him

it's just part of the business

we decided to move on

who knows what lies ahead

there's no answer for him

but we're on the same page

he's not flying under the radar anymore

the future is now.

This list is not exhaustive. Add to it during the week, month, year. But please, make few references to it in your own speech. Finally, under no circumstance ever use Boo-Yah.

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Sometimes we all get Gonzoed. You know, that wide-eyed look of bewilderment.
I used to get it when I was leading a fast break. Probably twice. But I remember a Church League sub on our team telling me how my eyes got bigger and bigger the closer I got to the basket. But hey, I had to decide to take it all the way, dish it off, or stop and pop. Others might call it the Leigh Taylor Young look. If you don't know that reference, she had huge eyes in her attractive face.
Now, I've said all that to say this. Our family all met in San Diego for the Fourth. Travel with three little ones ages 9, 6, and 4 can be quite a chore for our son and his wife. While going through security, our youngest was asked his first name. He replied correctly. Then he was asked his last name. He Gonzoed, saying, "I can't know."
But I must digress. He had been inserted into his big brother's baseball team line up for the last game of the season. He was wearing a jersey with the name Phoenix on the back. It was never picked up by the real player named Phoenix who missed the entire season. Our grandson was jokingly referred to as Nathan Phoenix. He played in the game, got three hits, never handled a ball in center field, and is ready for next season.
So in his Gonzo moment, he was unsure of what answer to give. "I can't know," was as good as any. It was harder than my choices running the break.

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

In our rotisserie baseball league, I'm the old fogey. For the most part, the rest of the guys are in their thirties. One, maybe two in their forties, one in his twenties.
We meet at one of the guys' house after an afternoon of Lincoln Ball, kind of an Indian ball game with tennis ball. We order pizza, watch the All-Star game and add an additional American League player to our predominantly National League rosters. Trades, with draft picks for next year, are wildly offered, some accepted and a good time is had by all.
And you know what? It's the only All-Star game party of any kind that I know of. And that is sad. How could the baseball people like Bowie Kuhn, Bart Giamatti, Bud Selig, Marvin Miller, Donald Fehr, the billionaire owners and the players' union mess up such a great thing? They did. That's why there's so little interest. That's why there are no celebrations on this day. Most are usually looking for an excuse to celebrate, to get together, to eat and laugh, and yes, party. But there's not much action at the Mid-Summer classic.
As a kid, I used to get excited about the introductions of the starting line ups. I'd cheer when a Cardinal was announced, whether player, coach or trainer. I even remember keeping score on a yellow legal pad while watching. I don't think there's that type of following anymore.
So to the guys in the MVRL Baseball League, enjoy tonight. And when you go yard the first time today at Lincoln School, tip your hat west to me back in AZ. I'll call tonight with a few trade offers. Here's to baseball--the way's it's supposed to be on All-Star night!