so I went to a dermatologist. I still don't know what an SK is, but it got numbed and sliced off the top of my head where a part used to be. But, once I used to part my hair down the middle. Wow,that sounds nerdy. But now, my hair looks like I've been riding a motorcycle all day. Just blown straight back without any part. I think all the Native American I have in me went straight to my hair. Maybe some skin tone, too.
So I dreaded going to my new skin doctor. I knew I would get lectured about being out in the sun so often. But no. She said, "You don't go to tanning beds,do you?" And when I assured her I did not, she said I was fine. She looked me over pretty thoroughly with a Romper Room looking glass, even checking between my toes for any bad signs.
I volunteered that I lather up on sunscreen daily, but I don't think I impressed her much. I have that effect on a lot of people these days. But rarer than an NBA player without a tattoo, one of her office girls had a deep tan. I spoke with her asking if she needed any money, but she declined citing its circuitous trip to insurance first. I started to warn her about the dangers of tanning beds but figured I wasn't too expert, so I passed.
As I left the office, I looked heavenward and thought, "Another nice day. I think I'll take a nice nap by the pool. Hope I don't get anymore SKs, whatever they are."