So many of us just can't handle the food anymore. The intake. The second helpings. The richness. The sauces. The salt. The bread. And of course, the calories.
Celebrating with family and friends and friends of friends and family, we're planning on 3 huge meals. Not on the same day. You have to spread it out to effectively spread it out. The offerings in order: prime rib, followed by chicken pot pie from Harry and David's, followed by chicken and dumplings. Followed by steaks. I know: that's 4--I forgot about the cookout--and I'm the chef.
Now if you don't think we're talking serious weight gain here, then you're mistaken. I would have to walk non-stop till year's end to erase the excesses. If you're dubious about that, maybe I should have added the homemade candy that my wife confected: divinity, some plain, some with peppermint chips, some with nuts; fudge, plain and with nuts; biscotti, some with chocolate only, some with peppermint chips and chocolate; and my favorite--caramels. The last need no explanation, no descrip. They are just terrific. She hasn't made her special lemon pie yet, but it will make its appearance if ever so briefly; because of its deliciousness it never last long.
Tums, di-gel, and Pepto will be a staple at nighttime for me. I don't think they really manufacture Pepto in a spray can, but they should. Just for our family.
Enjoy the best time of year. While you're at it, have several elastic waist band pants clean and ready to be let out for the added girth.
Eat, drink, and have a Merry Christmas 2010!!