I talked to her for the last time. Afterall, we never know when the last time is really the last time. But I turned around and saw her in the store. After 38 years.
Easily recognizable behind her years, I knew her immediately. She knew me, too, or so I thought. How we came about seeing each other, taking notice of each other was amazing. What if neither had made the connection? What if only one of us made the connection? What if we, like the proverbial Strangers in the Night had gone undetected.
So now what do we do? I wondered. Should we embrace? What about re-introductions and how-do- you- do's? But that sounds so old fashioned. What about, "I thought that was you," or even "What brings you here?" That's almost as bad as "What's a nice girl like you...?"
Maybe if I just say her name and use inflection at the end in case I'm wrong? But I'm not. Just as sure as the back of my hand, I'd know that face anywhere, even after nearly four decades.
"The years have been kind to you," I could have said. Oh, my, that's bad. "How long has it been?" Nope. "Fancy meeting you here." I'm really pressing.
Maybe if I just say, "Hello." Then if she answers, if she responds, I can be sure that it is she. Even if she doesn't say anything, maybe she'll verify my certainty that she is who I think. The worst thing that can happen is she will think I'm hitting on her. But if she doesn't recognize me, or if it is not she, then there's no harm. That's the safest thing to do.
And as we were about to come face to face, that's exactly what I planned to do. But when we passed, so did I. Was it who I thought? Yup. But I never said a word. I didn't want to spoil the moment.