As Major League baseball enters its playoff run to the World Series, I'm wondering if there's ever been an uglier bunch of teams vying for the top prize. It's not going to hold a lot of interest for this lifelong fan.
I mean the Rays? Until this year they were known as the Devil Rays. While I approve of their dropping Devil, I can never forgive them for playing in the ugliest baseball stadium ever. I'm not just referring to the Majors either. You'll see. Their fans? Are there fans? I once played golf with a guy wearing a Devil Rays cap. He got it free.
The Red Sox? Not again. Just another reason to hate the Wild Card. While they have an excellent ballpark, their fans almost equal Cub fans in their annoying way. Almost. They, like the Cubs spend, spend, spend, and then cry about the Yankees payroll and call them The Evil Empire. A typical Red Sox fan--Stephen King. Or how about Rob and Amber from The Amazing Race? 'nuff said.
The Cubs? Yeah, Cubbies. Let's celebrate 100 yars of futility. Look up loser in any dictionary and there they are. Their ballpark, well I've said it on different occasions: it's terrible. It's in a great neighborhood that has a lot of charm. But the park itself, well, I say blow it up and start over. Current Cub Jim Edmonds once called the dressing rooms Class A, as in the lowest minor league. Their bathrooms don't even meet most codes for indoor plumbing. Add their fans to the mix and you'll find everything that's wrong with athletics in the country. They simply act smugly superior. To what, for what, I've yet to discern.
Man, I feel better. Venting may not be good for the soul, but it's good for the intellect. I'm hoping the Twins make it this season, so we can see another truly terrible baseball stadium. How many days till Opening Day 2009?