But I tried something different yesterday.
First, allow me to explain. I'm an excellent driver. As good as Rainman, at least. I seem to encounter lousy drivers in the state of Arizona.
Second, allow me to explain. For years I thought God had played a bad joke on me making me live in MTV IL. (Maybe He did, but I don't think so.) I thought He had gathered all the bad drivers and put them in one small town. Where He in His infinite and omnipotent wisdom also placed one tremendous driver--Me. It was my penance to be stuck surrounded by imbecilic driving. He was teaching me patience which I needed (and still badly do).
Third, allow me to explain. After nearly one decade living in a state that does not require Drivers' Education/Training, I have decided that those behind the wheel in MTV were only a preparation for what I would encounter later in life in AZ. Thank goodness for those who initiated me.
So yesterday rather than pounding the steering wheel, hitting the liner of my closed sun roof with fist or open palm, saying something I shouldn't, even when I'm alone in my vehicle, or being tempted to extend my middle finger, I resorted to something juvenile: I stuck out my tongue at the driver who was driving 70 miles an hour in a 40 mile per hour zone which forced me to wait not just on him, but subsequently a long stream of cars firing off the line at the green light. (Maybe I composed such a long sentence that my reader(s) would forget my first subject, verb, and object--so I'll reiterate: I stuck out my tongue at the offender.
While I felt foolish, while I no way looked as attractive as the Husky pup with his tongue exposed, you know what? It felt good. In fact, it felt just as good as any of the other measures I have taken in the past to vent my anger.
I'm gonna do it again. I don't care how stupid it looks or sounds. But I may just do it when I'm driving solo.