Amid the rush and traffic, travel and preparations lies a terrific holiday that no one tries to offer substitutions--Thanksgiving. It is what it is; that is, a day to give thanks.
Thanks to the Creator of all things and Giver of provisions. And that's the Number 1 best thing about Thanksgiving. Traditionally, family and friends gather and pause to thank God for His bounty. Many take turns expressing what they are thankful about, and that's Number two on the list for best things about Thanksgiving.
Number three of course is the food. Whether you're a turkey lover, ham, or even steak eater, the food is always better at Thanksgiving, just because of the holiday. A little extra preparation is required. Grandma's chicken and dumplings, an aunt's homemade apple pie with caramel topped off with ice cream, an in-law's mashed potatoes with the peeling left on; well, the list goes on and on. Number 4 is the afternoon nap. Nothing says full belly like a short nap, maybe in front of the fire while watching the Cowboys or Lions.
Number five is leftovers. If you're fortunate enough to eat Thanksgiving dinner early enough, then for supper there are leftovers a plenty. Number 6 is the conversation. Oh, this may just be controversial. Aunt Ida maybe just a little too nosey, have a personality conflict with Aunt Susan and the edge to their voices may be conflicting. But it's a holiday; overlook it, and just enjoy that only on this day do you have to compromise them.
Number 7 is next day shopping. It's fun for the ladies, and most men don't have to go, so it's a day hunting, lounging, putting up Christmas decorations, or exercising off all those calories.
Number 8 is getting ready for Christmas. The reality sits in. It's getting closer. Preparations for gifting, giving, getting, and celebrating the birth of a King. Christmas music, caroling, hey "it's the most wonderful time of the year".
Numbers 9 and 10, I'll let you decide. No, I didn't run out; I just like open endedness. Besides, this entry is getting very long.
Ok, number nine, if you insist, is the down time for a three-day week; for some 2 and 1/2. The anticipation gets one through the rest of the month, just knowing that some time away from work is coming.
And number 10--you have a reason for weight gain. "With the holidays, you know..." New Year's resolutions are a good five to six weeks away most years, so you're free from calorie counting and daily weighing in for a short while.
So there you have it. Now you have 10 reasons why Thansgiving is so good and no reason not to have a great one. Enjoy the feast.