Friday, March 14, 2008

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Monday, March 10, 2008

The first time I remember being in New Harmony was when I took a grad class in Museum Education for the Gifted. I'm sure I had been there before as a kid, but when we went places in my parents' car, I was usually asleep in the back seat. Something about motion.
I've slept on trains (my favorites), planes, automobiles, and buses (my second favorite). All across Austria and Switzerland on a train. While I missed spectacular views. My wife and daughter thought I was ill. Just sleepy. Rocked that way.
But when I stayed awake in New Harmony and crossed that quaint old bridge, I knew I was getting close to some great food at The Red Geranium. Everything is outstanding there. But one item really stands out--Lemon Shaker Pie. The tartest of lemon tart pies, it has me salivating as I type.
The last time we were there it was snowing. There was a carriage, drawn by horse, giving guests rides around the town, quiet and emptied except for us and only a very few cars to watch the sight out of Rockwell or Currier and Ives. It was memorable.
And our son has discovered New Harmony. He enjoys The Red Geranium. I don't know if that old bridge is still standing. But the bridge between generations is there. And I'm glad. I hope he has great memories of the place, too. I hope he can stay awake and not miss a page out of the Midwest's past.