Not to be a regular feature, this blog today will devote itself to rock heads of the past week. This week there were several.
1. John Daly--gambling away $50-60 million dollars. (And not knowing whether it was closer to 50 or 60) Playing $5,000 slot machines. Getting dq-ed from a junior golf tournament for having booze in his golf bag. Going on a diet in college which consisted of whiskey, popcorn, and cigarettes.
2. Charles Barkley--gambling away $10 million dollars. Remorseful? No way. It's his money, he says, and he loves to beat the big casino owners. Also he trashes the Phoenix Suns. Where he earned most of that gambling money and, for reasons unknown to this blogger, he is still thought highly of.
3. NBA refs (see earlier blog) and David Stern--"the refs only miss about 5% of the calls." Not last Sunday when I thought a fix was in.
4. George Clooney and other Hollywood darlings--just stick to acting. We don't care what your politics is. (I know it doesn't sound right but politics is a collective singular noun which takes a singular verb.) Actually, we know your politics, don't understand why, but if you insist on sharing them, then pull an Arnold and run for office.
5. Patrick Kennedy (D-RI)--can't anybody in that family drive? Ok, maybe that was a make up call for clooney and uncle teddy, but c'mon.
6. The orchestrators of Nuestro Himno, the hispanic National Anthem for the USA--no thanks. We already have one that a guy named Key penned awhile back. Not many know the words or can sing it well, but those that do know it to be beautiful. Did you know I sang the national anthem at the opening of the New Busch Stadium in St. Louis this year? Along with Scott, and Derek and Molly Harlan, and other Mt. Vernon people--Kevin Settle, Randy Knox, Celeste Hunt, William Zinke. There might have been more; I just didn't see them. Oh, yeah and about 43,000 other people. You see, in honor of baseball's best fans, the Cardinals allowed the fans the honor of singing The Star Spangled Banner. So you see, it would alter history if we added another anthem. Plus, it would take more time at ballgames.
Only 6? Yup. I know there were more rock heads this week. Like the refrigerator repair man that came and left me with a high pitched noise that wasn't there before he came, but this blog is getting too long. And besides, Saturday's not over yet.