On the QT

Saturday, November 24, 2007

A jumbo remote control. That I can see. Now that's progress.
I've often said that programming a vcr is tougher than fixing computer problems. Not that I'm great at the latter. But for two hours every other day I was responsible for keeping 32 computers running smoothly while offering help about students' writing problems back at the old MTV Computer Lab. The problems were varied and sundrious as they used to say.
FF or fast forward, for those readers not quite so high tech, to 2007. I still don't know how to tape a show and watch another channel. I still don't know how to PIP. And I'm not 100% sure I know how to shut it down and fire it up again when I have a technical problem when the bottom of the screen says " no data available".
Not only that, I have trouble switching from VCR to DVD. Oh, I get it done but it throws fear into me. Currently I can't tape on the VCR because I inadvertently hit a wrong button and changed the record channel that I can't get back. No problem: or daughter is here and she'll take care of the old guy.
The Jumbo Universal Remote has to help. At least I can't blame it on poor eyesight. Now manual dexterity, that's another issue.

Friday, November 23, 2007


BG was a dog. A dog who liked to run and jump and play. But most of all, BG like to roll. Roll in the green green grass. But one day during a great roll, he yelled "Ouch, Ouch!"

"Wait a minute. It's just me, a leprechaun on the lawn."

"So what are you doing there?"

"Taking a nap, till you rolled on top of me."


"I'm just waiting for a good rain. Then the rainbow. Then the pot of gold."

"I've heard about that. Is it true?"

"Sure is," the leprechaun answered. "Wait with me if you like. But then what would a dog do with a pot of gold?"

"Oh, I'd buy a new doghouse. One with carpet in it. I'd buy a new water bowl. And a new bowl to eat out of."

"Sounds good. Stay here with me till it rains."

After a day and another day, it rained hard.

"Now we wait for the sun to come out," said the leprechaun.

And it did. The rainbow was bright red, blue, purple, and yellow. But they had no time to admire it. They ran to the end.

There was the gold. BG and the leprechaun had enough gold to share where each of them had plenty.

The leprechaun took his gold and said so long to BG.

BG thanked him. Then he spent the gold on the new doghouse. New carpet to keep him warmer in the Winter and softer in the Summer. He got a new bowl and new drinking bowl and still had enough gold left over to buy a collar.

And what color to do think it was? All the colors of the rainbow, to remind of how he got his new doghouse with carpet, two bowls, and his beautiful collar.

The end. Well, almost. That was a story I told to Nathan, my 4 year old grandson visiting from Illinois. He liked it so much and remembered the details the next morning, that I thought I might share it with faithful blog readers who may need a story to put a little one of their own to sleep. Sweet dreams.

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

A holiday that combines God, food, and football! Is that the best or what?
Also for families to get together. For naps after Thanksgiving dinner. And for the ladies, shopping on Friday. Early Friday morning.
There's also some basketball on tv as well. And leftovers. Plus Advent isn't far away as well. It's just a mighty good time of the year.
I loved those long weekends as a student and as a teacher. And as a student teacher, though I wouldn't know that first hand having student taught during the Winter.
While I'm at it, I'm thankful for our President. I'm glad he pardoned this bird in the White House tradition, but I'm more glad that he's been our leader for 8 years. I know that may not be popular, but I thank him for keeping our country safe. He has shown great leadership in a lot of areas. But I guess he gets none of the credit for a stock market riding at 1300 slightly down from an unheard of 1400. But I never thought it would ever 1000, so there's more thanks for an improved economy fed by tax cuts.
It frightens me to think who might get elected a little less than one year from now. But I'm a man of faith and I know God will put whomever He wants in office to suit His purpose, not mine. I can and will live with that.
Count those blessings on Thanksgiving. And don't forget the second part of that word.

And the answer to the question "who was that girl"...Lucille Ball. The re-runs have given another generation, or two, a glimpse of the comedic talent of Lucy. But I still couldn't or wouldn't have been able to identify her from that picture.
I did love the old Lucy show. Episode after episode was a hoot with Ricky, Fred and Ethel. Little Ricky added nothing. I wonder what happened to him?
But when Ricky and Lucy split and the show went color, they lost me. It was simply not very good tv comedy. Her boss, recognizable as a face but no name attached for me--I think Gale Gordon just popped up from a deep recess in the cranium--could have been funny and on occasion was, but the bad scripts choked Lucy and stifled the humor.
So I think there was a generation growing up who probably wondered why everyone made such a fuss over Lucy. Remember, you have to catch her in black and white. Then you'll enjoy some of the best comedy in American tv.
A final thought: The Andy Griffith Show was so much better in black and white, too. I wonder why that is? I'm glad Leave it to Beaver never lasted long enough to go color.

Tuesday, November 20, 2007


And that's just the way he looked. When he got busted. At such an inopportune time. Here's how it happened.


That's all the coach said. I knew the rest. Go into the game for Huxley. Draw a charge if possible. Flop. If not, then you've stopped the clock and hope they miss the free throws.

"Get in there for Hux. Chest him up. Fall back. Pull him on top of you if you can. Hook your finger under the jersey."


And as he turned, he spotted her. It was hard to miss that white blond hair. From Marco Island. Where his brother lived. Right next door. To the west. Last year at about this time. But what's she doing in Curry, PA? Right now? With Barb here? With Barb here!


He headed to the scorer's table. Feeling as small as this font.

Done was all he answered.

Monday, November 19, 2007


Only one clue. She was a famous actress.

Yesterday we celebrated our 50th anniversary of our church. Read closely, please. It was not our 50th anniversary, but our church's. As we were in line awaiting our food via pot luck or covered dish, I was talking to one long time member. He had gone to SBC for 43 years. We have no members left from the original congregation.

But it hit me as we talked that I went to Logan St. Baptist Church for 50 years before we moved to AZ. They used to give big cardboard stock cards with pictures on them depicting some event or scene from the Bible. My mom had saved the first one I got when I was 1 1/2 years old. So I made 50 before I moved.

After the great food and fellowship we had a short program that featured the history of the church. One section showed pictures of families that still attend. And I could only recognize one family before the pastor told us who they were. And some were very good friends. All very well known to me.

I recall that as a high school senior, one of my classmates brought a 3rd grade class picture to school and shared it with our American History teacher. She correctly identified several of us from our younger days. I was amazed. (But not as amazed as many years later when it was revealed to me that she was only 48 at the time we had her: most would have guessed 65, but I guess that's what teaching will do for you.)

So since I obviously don't share that talent of identification, I thought I'd test my loyal readers. I never could have identified the lady in the picture either. But I'll have an answer for you before Thanksgiving.

Sunday, November 18, 2007

This happened yesterday. It's only the facts. Nothing has been changed to protect the innocent.
Paradise Window Cleaners has taken care of washing our windows and screens for two years now. They do a fantastic job in a little over two hours. It would take me that long just to take off the screens.
Lots of people must like them, too, because we made an appointment well in advance. Their only availability before Thanksgiving was Saturday morning at 7:00 AM. So it was.
At 7:00 they weren't here yet. I'd called the guard at the gate the night before to insure that he would let them enter. Nobody gets by them, right Blaine? Blaine is a former grade school friend of mine who tried to enter after having not reached me by phone. He was turned away and thankful that he wasn't roughed up. (And I said this entry was completely factual.) But it is tough to get in. Not long ago our daughter flew into to Scottsdale, took a cab, and still was questioned for 5 minutes before they allowed her entry.
Anyway(s), I thought all bases had been touched. No washers at 7:00. "Should I give them a call?" my wife asked at 7:25. "Give them ten more minutes," I responded. And they showed up. With a story.
Jack Quinn, buddy of mine who formerly owned the St. Louis Blues, lives one street away. At 7:00 AM they showed up at his house as directed by one of the guards who added, "He said they wouldn't be home, but you were clean them anyway(s)." I didn't say that; in fact I had cancelled a church service project to be there for them and to decide if we wanted the inside windows cleaned as well.
The worker knocked on the door and received no answer. He started taking off the screens. He awakened Jack who asked what they were doing.
"Getting reading to wash your windows."
"You're not washing my windows," Jack responded and directed them to our house.
I haven't talked to him yet. Our daughter suggested a bow tied around a bottle of Windex for the other Quinns. I know they understand, but I don't want them angry at me. Once in awhile they get some of our mail when they're in Canada. True story for another blog entry.