Saturday, November 24, 2007

Friday, November 23, 2007
Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Tuesday, November 20, 2007
And that's just the way he looked. When he got busted. At such an inopportune time. Here's how it happened.
That's all the coach said. I knew the rest. Go into the game for Huxley. Draw a charge if possible. Flop. If not, then you've stopped the clock and hope they miss the free throws.
"Get in there for Hux. Chest him up. Fall back. Pull him on top of you if you can. Hook your finger under the jersey."
And as he turned, he spotted her. It was hard to miss that white blond hair. From Marco Island. Where his brother lived. Right next door. To the west. Last year at about this time. But what's she doing in Curry, PA? Right now? With Barb here? With Barb here!
He headed to the scorer's table. Feeling as small as this font.
Done was all he answered.

Monday, November 19, 2007

Only one clue. She was a famous actress.
Yesterday we celebrated our 50th anniversary of our church. Read closely, please. It was not our 50th anniversary, but our church's. As we were in line awaiting our food via pot luck or covered dish, I was talking to one long time member. He had gone to SBC for 43 years. We have no members left from the original congregation.
But it hit me as we talked that I went to Logan St. Baptist Church for 50 years before we moved to AZ. They used to give big cardboard stock cards with pictures on them depicting some event or scene from the Bible. My mom had saved the first one I got when I was 1 1/2 years old. So I made 50 before I moved.
After the great food and fellowship we had a short program that featured the history of the church. One section showed pictures of families that still attend. And I could only recognize one family before the pastor told us who they were. And some were very good friends. All very well known to me.
I recall that as a high school senior, one of my classmates brought a 3rd grade class picture to school and shared it with our American History teacher. She correctly identified several of us from our younger days. I was amazed. (But not as amazed as many years later when it was revealed to me that she was only 48 at the time we had her: most would have guessed 65, but I guess that's what teaching will do for you.)
So since I obviously don't share that talent of identification, I thought I'd test my loyal readers. I never could have identified the lady in the picture either. But I'll have an answer for you before Thanksgiving.
Sunday, November 18, 2007